Is it safe to grow in a college dorm?


Im entering college in the fall and was wondering if anyone has had any campus growing experiences or tips i.e. how not to get caught, mandatory precautions lol Let me know if you've done it before with any success too!!!!!!


Active Member
I wouldn't, drug "crimes" are treated much harsher on campus rather than off. If you are caught you can lose all of your financial aid.

I would live just off campus and grow, if your caught off campus the school is not involved.

I would live off campus either way. Dorms are way to expensive for what you get.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
so u wan't to grow in a COLLEGE Dorm room???... lol ... even if u can pull it off there is a risk of getting caught and getting kicked out of school.. now think about what u wanna do... even if u get someone to tell you they have done it & pulled it off or whatever ...u can still get u think it's worth the risk??


Active Member
Dont do it. There's barely enough room in most dorms to sleep, let alone grow and hide a plant, with some sort of fans, bright lights, and shit.

They find a 1/4 ounce in a bag in your dorm, "Wasnt mine".
They find a plant growing, with fancy lights and shit... Yeah, try to say someone must have accidentally left it in your dorm.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Don't do it man!

Wait until you have a good place or at least do a guerilla grow somewhere off campus.

Especially if it's a state owned school, I'm sure that there's extra penalties for that.


Well-Known Member
Not worth it. You will get caught. You will deserve all punishment that you receive because growing in a dorm room is FUCKING RETARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my buddy did it last year in his dorm. it all depends what you want to grow, he had a few plants and the atmosphere of the school basically condoned smoking dope as far as the students went (no one narked)

I wouldnt go big time lol, he had a single 400 watt but if you want to do a major grow id pick another location and get a 200 amp converter.


... mind you, I live in canada where it is alot more slack if you are associated with weed. we get a slap on the wrist for trafficking it, cultivating is a bit more of a punishment.

My one friend got busted with 2lbs of weed last week, he got fines and got banned from our county, lol.


yeah, its like speeding fines doubled in a construction zone, you just want to avoid doing something so stupid in the states it seems.


Active Member
get a job and a cool room mate,rent off campus,tell no one... No matter what city or state you are in Im sure there are studio apts that you and a mate could pay rent till 1st crop. from then on 420 should cover rent/smoke and fast food..


Active Member
oh yeah find a couple 420 females get them stoned ie they will help with sex, keepn place clean, cook and help with school work...Pimpn is easy


WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Never would i have thought the risks so high! I felt it would be rather isolated in a dorm room other than the roomate who would be cool with it, thanks for the heads up though guys, ya i was bein kinda dumb considerin it i