Is it safe to water plants with plain carbonated water?


Well-Known Member
I did a one week experiment where i watered a plant with carbonated water (no sodium). It had a growth spurt larger than the other plants and the leaves became tough and very dark.

I started using CO2 tablets that you get at an aquarium supply store. I just put one in a 1/2 cup of water and close my veg area. In 3 minutes 350 CC of CO2 are released and quickly fill the area. My temps went up by 5 degrees and the humidity shot thru the roof. The plants loved it.

Watering the plants with carbonated water did no noticable damage to the plant and the growth sprurt was short lived.


Well-Known Member
Define forcing CO2 via bacteria? You mean a yeast and water CO2 generator?

First you are not watering the plants with the yeast and water mix.
CO2 tablets releases a lot of gas into the air in one shot.

I got much better results, and its cheaper, with CO2 tablets than watering with carbonated water.