Is it something in the soil?

Ok I looked at the sticky on common plant problems but all the pictures are missing.

Can someone please tell me what's going on with these plants?

The first pic is how it starts, the 2nd its progression, the 3rd final stage with claw up.

All plants are doing this. 4 different strains, WW, Blue cheese, Blackberry, Vanilla Kush.They are in FFOF. Some get nutes some don"t(Humboldt master A&B). Watered with distilled water. PH of soil and runoff 6.6. 600w HPS to flower, T5 to vege. RH 50-60%. 78-85F. Fan for air flow.

Not Mites, I know what they look like and how to spot them. It doesn't seem to matter if they get nutes or not, it's always the same with all plants, mothers included. Seed or Clone. Still get great yields, if it effects it, it must not be much.

Is it the soil? A friend of mine is growing in MG and his plants look awesome.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
Dont want to argue with ya for sure, but if its not mites, its gotta be a fungus of some sort. Looks like a bug though, could be something other than mites too. good luck:peace:
gotigers0420 thank you. I don't think its a bug because I am always looking for that sort of thing. I break rootballs apart looking for larva, etc. leaves aren't chewed up, just dried up.

Hmmm, fungus is intriguing. I didn't think about that. you thinking systemic?


Active Member
Probably systemic, havent dealt with it myself but done alot of pic peeking in my research. Thats where i would steer if I were looking for answers. The side effects and the fact that it effects multiple plants says to me bugs or fungus. You seem to have all your other shit pretty dialed in, so...take it or leave it and best of luck


Well-Known Member
Well the 1st pic looks asif it is some sort of substance that was on your leaves? did you spray them with anything? which could have later caused them to discolor & spot
Well the 1st pic looks asif it is some sort of substance that was on your leaves? did you spray them with anything? which could have later caused them to discolor & spot
Nothing sprayed. Its weird but that's how it starts. Leaves get real dry but stay green with very tiny spots, brown in color. Then leaves very slowly change to yellow then to golden color over weeks. Very crispy at this stage.


Active Member
Normally I would say its bugs but those marks look a bit large to be a sign of mites.
Here are some pice of a Ca Def

Early Sign of Ca def

Later sign of Ca Def

Also looks like a bit of Mg Def
View attachment 1842984

I would suggest you buy some CalMag dude.
FoxFarm is good stuff, why your getting this issue..!? Whats your runoff ph at?

Also you should hit the Reputation button.
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Normally I would say its bugs but those marks look a bit large to be a sign of mites.
Here are some pice of a Ca Def

Early Sign of Ca def
View attachment 1842972

Later sign of Ca Def
View attachment 1842974

Also looks like a bit of Mg Def
View attachment 1842984

I would suggest you buy some CalMag dude.
FoxFarm is good stuff, why your getting this issue..!? Whats your runoff ph at?

Also you should hit the Reputation button.
Cool and thanks. I have some humboldt CA/Mg nutes hanging around. I'm could try it on one of them and see what happens.

weird thing is, before I started watering with distilled, I was watering with city tap water which was very hard and had the same results. But maybe there was other shit in there inhibiting the minerals uptake? PH runoff is 6.6


Active Member
PH seems good, city water usually has calcium in it. Humbolt Nutes is pretty good but General Organics CalMg+ has more Ca and Mg in it as well as costs less.