Is It Time To Feed My Babies?


so ive had my plants for four weeks maybe near five, and i just bought miracle gro houseplant food with NPK of 8-7-6 ive been readin up on this subject a lil but i dont know much. would this be good to delute with water, and begin to feed with?


Well-Known Member
if you're been reading up on this you would of read to not use miracle gro, atleast to my knowledge those nutes are shit.
how big of containers are they in, and what kind of soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
Yea, there are some people that swear by MG, but why would want all these harmful chemicals in your bud? my way of growing is organic. It is the best way to grow if you ask me and countless others. You will get the best tasting bud going organic!!!!! Look up Somas growing book, i think it is called, Soma style organic growing, i believe.

And yea, MG is bad, mmm k! Harmful chemicals in the bud you smoke wont be to good for you or anyone who smokes it... IMO


they are in 6 gallon pots and i have miracle gro potting soil, and ive never fed them before. and thanks oly +rep man.


Well-Known Member
I would think it's about the right time then to start them on some nutes... I would only start with about 1/4 the dose they tell you to use though, and then flush with plain water your next feeding, some people flush the next two feedings with plain water but you can experiment.

If they react well to the 1/4 dose, then the next time you use nutes you can maybe move up to 1/3, or 2/5's the dose they tell you to use.

just make sure you flush VERY WELL, some people say that since you're using 6GAL pots, you need to flush with 6GALS of water.


Active Member
Flushing means water your girls with clean water. If you are using tap water make sure you get the chlorine out of it before use, as chlorine will kill the beneficial microbial life in your soil. This may be done several ways, leaving it out 24-48 hrs putting airstones in the reservoir will help chlorine purging. Flush means you are taking the old nutes you put in the soil last feeding and getting rid of them. Doing so will aid in feedings because you will have a reduced risk of overfeeding and burning the plants. See The truth about flushing. I'm a believer in flushing until the water runs clear from the drain water. I have read that you should flush over other week with up to 3x volume of the container. When watering if you do not water enough this will lead to dry spots in the soil where the water has created channels, via the root and soil mixture. Ensure you put enough water through or these 'dry pockets' may lead to problems with root development.

All these things are pretty variable depending on YOUR situation and environment. If you live more north or at a higher altitude you may be more or less, same with if you live in a desert. Sorry if this seems long and I'm sure some might agree or disagree with what I've said, not many people have duplicate grows. It changes just from site to site. Your ventilation may be different so you don't need to water as much yada yada. I hope the link is some help. Get luck to you sir! Let's have fun and grow together. :}


Active Member
Oh yeah. If you are growing soil get some 'mycorrhizae' to help your plants root structure. It's phenomenal microbial fungus. You can find it at garden shops and hydroshops and whatnot. Different prices by brand and type yada yada. :}


Lantern, you seem real familiar with feeding, and everything, im an amatuer and i enjoy watching cannabis come to life, its usually hot with rain a couple times a week weather is always crzy here.


yea well im outdoor growing. and one has its set of 5 leaves and is pertruding a new set from the middle but the havent opened yet, the other has two sets of 3 the are doing good but if you see my older pposts i have poictures from 2 days ago, they are gettin lil spots on the lower leaves.


Well-Known Member
OMG! another MG bashing thread! Would like to know how many people that bash has actually used the product. MG soil has enough slow release nutes to grow some nice plants. Problem is people use MG soil then throw nutes on top of it. OVERKILL and BURNING!!! MG soil then Molasses during flowering is a good combo.


hey welldiced, im using MG poting soil, and i have had them in MG potting soil and one plant has small spots on the bottom leaves, if its slow release then why isnt it helping with potassium def.? or whatever i may have. i just started using MG plantfood today and i deluted the qt of water with 5 drops, 1/4 the recommended dosage. what would you do. my plants are beginning veg.