Is it to late to take her out of 12/12


Active Member
Okay, So i put all of my summer seeds into flowering about 4ish weeks ago. I have blueberry and AK x papaya. The AK mix showed about 2 weeks in, and then i had to go away, and i'm only working with one room so i had to keep the AK in flowering.

My question is since the AK mix is pretty far into flowering (i know pictures are needed and they will be up tomorrow) but how far into flowering can it be put back into 24 hr light. There is a bunch of hairs already coming out, and i don't want to stress her out, and have all the clones hermi's.

How long is to long to put a plant in 12/12 back into vegging state? How long is to long before you can't take clones off your plant in 12/12.

Pictures will be up later, but any preadvice is good because i wanted to get her into 24 hr as soon as possible


Active Member
Just put her back in! If you can be patient with her she should be fine. it's just going to take a while for her to get her hormones back in line!