is it too cold for too long


Well-Known Member
i got an inspecter coming to my house im going to put them in my truck over night its going to get down to 50 deg will they die????what will happen....they will be in the truck for at least 10 hours..


Well-Known Member
No way man. 50 isn't that bad at all. It'll stunt their growth for a few hours... a day or two at absolute worst. That's nothing to worry about. Worry about the inspector more haha. Stay safe man


Well-Known Member
u shud put like a box over them and put a blanket on the box or sumthin to keep them warm, but it shuldnt be a problem. Why is there gona be an inspector at your house?? lol


Well-Known Member
if budding it could screw up your light cycle

what i would do is move them at the beginning of the light on cycle and put like one light just enough so they dont get messed up schedule and put it on a timer.


Well-Known Member
or just movie into your bathroom or a room. he shouldnt be walking around your whole house lol