Is it too late to put a new clone outdoors?

I was wondering if its still possible to put a clone outdoors(first time growing with clones, but have grown with seeds before) and still get a decent yield outdoors in southern california? I had some bad luck this year, and a few plants died on me, and im thinking of picking up a few clones for outdoors, or is it too late in the season to put them outside and get reasonable yields, or, if i did, what type of yield might i be looking at? Outdoors with about 6-9 hours of direct sunlight per day

or, i could pull out some cfl's and start vegging them for a little inside and put them outside in a few weeks or so if that would work out better(im not worried about frost or anything in southern california)

anyways, i would appreciate some advice:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I put 2 small clones (5-6inches) out on the first of july last year.Harvested about mid october for 6 Oz's each.
They were bubblegum clones.


Well-Known Member
Grow um out as much as you can under 18/6 inside first. Plant the end of july (thats my plan) Give um a month of veg, I just got roots on my 4 clones- lost 2.
thanks guys!!

one more question, about how soon could i top a clone? i will post pictures of them in the next day to get better advice, but on an estimate, it would be great for now. or, would it be better not too top putting them out so late?

thanks again

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I dont top my plants and here's how they look. Though I will be bending them down to control height for a matter of convience Not trying to jack the thread so let me know if you want me to remove the video



Well-Known Member
Nel your plants are beutiful we would never ask for you to take the vid out good luck with those man!
damn man, that looks amazing. best of luck on that. thank you for all the advice and wisdom u have given me man, i really appreciate it!