Is it wise to cut the upper leaves during flowering?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
orchard growers do not trim to get bigger fruit or flowers. they trim to promote new growth and lighting the main limbs or they snap off from the weight of the fruit. if u cut leaves off during flowering you mine as well let some spider mights in to eat on them to. let cut ur arms off and see if you grow... i wish people who didn't do the research or the testing there self's wouldn't comment on peoples questions. there asking for advise. not a guess. or what you heard.
same as thing amd limbing your plant.. mostof you will never learn, your loos my gain.. im DONE WITH THIS.


Well-Known Member
By removing the fan leaves, you're removing the most prouctive part of the plant above the soil. Sure, we obviously saw a picture of buds grown on a plant with no fan leaves. But keep in mind the plant would have been much greater had he not removed the very unit of production. How does a plant live? Photosynthesis. Where does photosynthesis take place? Surface area of the plant that receives light. What part(s) of the plant hold the most surface area? Leaves. Healthy, green, full leaves. Take away what the plant uses to grow and it'll, well, not grow. You can show me as many pictures of hacked up plants missing fan leaves as you want, the truth is all of those plants have been robbed of their true potential. You can also try to argue with me but you can't argue with science. Have different ideas about how a plant grows? Take it up with mother nature.
Thank you for saying it better than I can. Well put!


Well-Known Member
Incorrect. 25-30 grams DRY per plant @ 4 per SQ feet with basically one big fat bud on each one . You do realize how much that is dont you ? Also these are switched to bloom at about 6-7 inches tall. Try and hit those numbers growing large plants and you will fail =?)
Six inch centers? Four ounces per square foot? A pound in four square feet?

I need proof.

Until then, I'll assume you aren't quite sure what you're saying. The best indoor yield I've seen is 67.5 grams per square foot from a master grower under 140watts per square foot with CO2 in a sealed grow room. ScrOG.


Well-Known Member
Umm 25-30grams per plant really isint shit. You can argue all you want and of course you will :) but i know PLENTY of people on this forum that get x2 that amount. And thats running a SOG where the clone put into it start at about 5". Look up Al B. Fuct ya might learn a thing or 2. Happy growing.

Its like some people arent even doing the basic math I put forth.... wow. You do realize that is almost 2 grams per watt on a flat not vertical SOG ? Depending on the strain I can go from 25 to 30 average. Some plants like one of those pics did 32. I love how some of you guys come in here saying "that aint shit" or "oh look at the plug" or "could have been much larger". Clearly all of you have missed the point in a very big way. Please reread when you are sober and then comment =)


Well-Known Member
the plant on the left is NOT 25 dry grams. i say 12 tops.

You would be correct. That was an experiment with Ultra sun bulbs and the one on the left is the result =( That pic was originally taken to show the difference between the two. Needless to say I am back to Hortilux and all is back to normal.

FYI those plants are only 4 1/2 weeks into bloom at the time of the pic



Well-Known Member
Six inch centers? Four ounces per square foot? A pound in four square feet?

I need proof.

Until then, I'll assume you aren't quite sure what you're saying. The best indoor yield I've seen is 67.5 grams per square foot from a master grower under 140watts per square foot with CO2 in a sealed grow room. ScrOG.
I am glad atleast someone caught the actual numbers. Yes those plants are in 5 and 6 inch pots. I use all 5 inch pots now. That fruity Chronic strain I could get a 27-30 gram average per plant at 4 per sq foot. Yes that is nearly 2 grams per watt. Yess I know what I am saying and have been fine tuning this for the last 5 years. I went from 12 inch centers a year ago to 5 and 6 inch centers. I went from NOT cutting any leave to cutting some to cutting a LOT of leaves. 5 inch centers and cutting off all fan leaves at 2-3 weeks gives the best results and the numbers speak for themselves. Yeah some strains only net me 20 gram average but that is still 2.8 lbs per light/tray or 1.28 grams per watt. NO CO2. But as some have stated that aint shit and I should learn to grow because bviously my opinion on cutting leaves off doesnt agree with them.... =?)

Amazing/sad how many people are misinformed and arent doing their own research. I used to grow in 7 gallon pots on the floor and had nice big plants that yielded a lot per plant I guess I should have kept doing that the last 5 years.... I will state again that outdoors is different and I honestly dont know if it would help. The sun gives a lot more coverage and moves so I dont know if it would help at all. FYI even Ed Rosenthal says cutting off leaves that shade your bud sites is a good idea. I guess he needs to learn to grow too though.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I am glad atleast someone caught the actual numbers. Yes those plants are in 5 and 6 inch pots. I use all 5 inch pots now. That fruity Chronic strain I could get a 27-30 gram average per plant at 4 per sq foot. Yes that is nearly 2 grams per watt. Yess I know what I am saying and have been fine tuning this for the last 5 years. I went from 12 inch centers a year ago to 5 and 6 inch centers. I went from NOT cutting any leave to cutting some to cutting a LOT of leaves. 5 inch centers and cutting off all fan leaves at 2-3 weeks gives the best results and the numbers speak for themselves. Yeah some strains only net me 20 gram average but that is still 2.8 lbs per light/tray or 1.28 grams per watt. NO CO2. But as some have stated that aint shit and I should learn to grow because bviously my opinion on cutting leaves off doesnt agree with them.... =?)

Amazing/sad how many people are misinformed and arent doing their own research. I used to grow in 7 gallon pots on the floor and had nice big plants that yielded a lot per plant I guess I should have kept doing that the last 5 years.... I will state again that outdoors is different and I honestly dont know if it would help. The sun gives a lot more coverage and moves so I dont know if it would help at all. FYI even Ed Rosenthal says cutting off leaves that shade your bud sites is a good idea. I guess he needs to learn to grow too though.



Well-Known Member
I am glad atleast someone caught the actual numbers. Yes those plants are in 5 and 6 inch pots. I use all 5 inch pots now. That fruity Chronic strain I could get a 27-30 gram average per plant at 4 per sq foot. Yes that is nearly 2 grams per watt. Yess I know what I am saying and have been fine tuning this for the last 5 years. I went from 12 inch centers a year ago to 5 and 6 inch centers. I went from NOT cutting any leave to cutting some to cutting a LOT of leaves. 5 inch centers and cutting off all fan leaves at 2-3 weeks gives the best results and the numbers speak for themselves. Yeah some strains only net me 20 gram average but that is still 2.8 lbs per light/tray or 1.28 grams per watt. NO CO2. But as some have stated that aint shit and I should learn to grow because bviously my opinion on cutting leaves off doesnt agree with them.... =?)

Amazing/sad how many people are misinformed and arent doing their own research. I used to grow in 7 gallon pots on the floor and had nice big plants that yielded a lot per plant I guess I should have kept doing that the last 5 years.... I will state again that outdoors is different and I honestly dont know if it would help. The sun gives a lot more coverage and moves so I dont know if it would help at all. FYI even Ed Rosenthal says cutting off leaves that shade your bud sites is a good idea. I guess he needs to learn to grow too though.


got any pics of ED's grow? :neutral:

'cause the 20,000 growers here don't know shit. ;)


Well-Known Member
got any pics of ED's grow? :neutral:

'cause the 20,000 growers here don't know shit. ;)

LOL, nope, but I do have my own pics and they should back up my claims enough for most peope I'd hope. The more pruning/clearing of shade leaves I have done the more the yield has gone up giving more light to the entire plant when done at 4 per SQ foot. Leaving the leaves you just end up with one big shaded mess with tons of popcorn buds even with lollipopping. I cant recomend it for outdoors but it sure as shit works indoors. I have so many grows to compare all the different methos its not evne funny. Short plants 18 inches tall 4 per SQ foot and no fan leaves after week 3 of bloom is how I get nearly 2 grams per watt on a good day and 1.4 on a bad one without Co2. I have used CO2 as well when I had larger plants and it worked but I hated dealing with all the hassles associated with it. I just doubled my incoming air to the room, lots of 1K bulbs, good genetics and good nutes and voila !

All these pics are staged to take the pics but you get the idea. These are all 6 inch pots average yield was 30 grams per plant dry and containers were touching during grow. Oh and these pics are still about two weeks before harvest =)



Well-Known Member
LOL, nope, but I do have my own pics and they should back up my claims enough for most peope I'd hope. The more pruning/clearing of shade leaves I have done the more the yield has gone up giving more light to the entire plant when done at 4 per SQ foot. Leaving the leaves you just end up with one big shaded mess with tons of popcorn buds even with lollipopping. I cant recomend it for outdoors but it sure as shit works indoors. I have so many grows to compare all the different methos its not evne funny. Short plants 18 inches tall 4 per SQ foot and no fan leaves after week 3 of bloom is how I get nearly 2 grams per watt on a good day and 1.4 on a bad one without Co2. I have used CO2 as well when I had larger plants and it worked but I hated dealing with all the hassles associated with it. I just doubled my incoming air to the room, lots of 1K bulbs, good genetics and good nutes and voila !
i know you said the outdoor is nothing the same, butt ........

i have these plants outside that are all stacked up on top of each other. there are branches on the back sides that receive very little direct sunlight, yet the buds forming on them are as big as the branches in direct sunlight. this leads me to one conclusion.

"a plants energy is NOT isolated to the area in which is was produced."

you say "removing the leaves gives more light to the plant". the leaves ARE the plant. :wall:
if you pull all the leaves off what is there to give to? stalks?


Well-Known Member
Maybe this is how you grow great bud. Not hacking off fan leaves. HMMMM.
Yeah and maybe I'd be growing 3 grams per watt hmmm....... Not. As stated I ver slowly graduated to this form of growing and it yields the most, atleast with all my strains (about 10). Just stick 64 plants on a 4X4 tray and dont touch a fan leaf and see for yourself how much you yield. Everything else from everyone posting in here so far is just speculation. I offered proof. Bye


Well-Known Member
i know you said the outdoor is nothing the same, butt ........

i have these plants outside that are all stacked up on top of each other. there are branches on the back sides that receive very little direct sunlight, yet the buds forming on them are as big as the branches in direct sunlight. this leads me to one conclusion.

"a plants energy is NOT isolated to the area in which is was produced."
That's right fdd. How does a tomato grow in the middle of the tomato bush? How does the apple grow on the bottom branch in the shade? Same with marijuana. How would you get large buds below the canopy? I just don't see how folks will continue to argue with science. Guy, you aren't proving anything to us. If you're so determined to change the way a plant grows than by all means get on it. Until then do some reading in botany books.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and maybe I'd be growing 3 grams per watt hmmm....... Not. As stated I ver slowly graduated to this form of growing and it yields the most, atleast with all my strains (about 10). Just stick 64 plants on a 4X4 tray and dont touch a fan leaf and see for yourself how much you yield. Everything else from everyone posting in here so far is just speculation. I offered proof. Bye
Speculation? Apparently you didn't pay attention in 4th grade science class when we all learned about what makes a plant grow. Nuff said. Ok goodbye.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and maybe I'd be growing 3 grams per watt hmmm....... Not. As stated I ver slowly graduated to this form of growing and it yields the most, atleast with all my strains (about 10). Just stick 64 plants on a 4X4 tray and dont touch a fan leaf and see for yourself how much you yield. Everything else from everyone posting in here so far is just speculation. I offered proof. Bye
wow, :shock:

link to your book so i can buy a copy, please. thanks. ;)