Is it worth growing a weak cutting?


Well-Known Member
I took about a dozen cuttings. This was my first attempt to clone. Most cuttings looked nice, but on second look, one I took from the bottom of a random plant looked a little stretchy and weak (I don't know how to describe it). I stuck it in the Jiffy pot with coco anyway. Its been a week, and it has hung around just like the others...but its ugly, lanky, and weak. This is kind of a science experiment. Is it worth messing with this sucky cutting if she starts growing roots? Is it a sin to kill her LOL?


Active Member
I've tried experimenting with every possible combination of size cutting, and technique including scraping the bottom vs not scraping, gel vs powder, and can't seem to narrow down what works best. Always seemed pretty random which babies rooted fastest and healthiest. Once rooted the bigger guys do seem to do better after I put em in soil however, but there is still a long way to go before I'm done vegging because I veg for a long time, so its hard to predict which will get to size first. I basically just take like 20% extra cuttings, and throw out the ones with the weakest roots.


Well-Known Member
Keep her unless you need the room. Had an OG Kush like that...tiny weakling, but the smoke was fine