is it worth the effort?


Active Member
I live in a two bedroom apartment and was gonna kick my roomatate so i could use the second room to start my grow.

but then i though, that's fucked up. he's cool.

so now i'm left with wanting to grow but no space to grow. i do however, I do have a closet in bedroom with a sliding door. it measures 4' wide by 2.5' by 6'.

anyone ever grow anything in a closet like that? anyone got any ideas for getting this going? i would love to give this a crack but i am pressed fo space. i'd grow ths shit in my room but i couldn't keep up the light cycles there.

anyone have any ideas?

i already have the seeds.

first post. hi all. great forum. i see alot of people with great knowledge here. some people really know their shit here.


Well-Known Member
yes get the sea of green going. if you dont know google it. good luck and thats cool not throughing out a person so you can grow your a good dude


Active Member
I started growing that shit on my's called "weed" for a reason. It'll grow anywhere under most conditions. you may not get good shit, or a lot of it for that matter, but you can def. get something. Plus it becomes a hobby, they sort of become like your kids and you really get into it...good luck


Active Member
fuck it, i'm going home in a little bit. i'm gonna get this shit going. i just have to rig the shit out of that closet.

shit, that sea of green really caught my attention. i had been reading so much on everything else that i had overlooked it.

maybe i can convince my roomate to pay some rent once in a while in exchange for not giving him the boot.

thanks for the feedback.


oh yeah man you can definatly grow in a small closet but when the plants get big and start to smell real skunky consider a good ventilation system being that you live in an apartment.


Well-Known Member
make sure you take pics as you go along,,, It will help to see your progress and help when/If you run into any problems, just post a pic of your plant/plants and everyone can try and help,,, this site rocks, got me through some hard times, now, I have lots of great smoke to show.........:joint::blsmoke::mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
its true tho i check on my plants every few just like i would do children there just so beautiful i love them