Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

If you think you are gonna be judged, stop doing it! Easy answer. You gotta make your own mind up, are your religous beliefs that important to you? I think the closest i have ever been to god was drug induced. You have the right to develop your personality, and to freedom to become whatever you wish, if that contradicts your beliefs, Fuck it. Do what you want mate, not what some book tells you to. The bible has little relevance in modern society, imo. The nice thin pages can come in handy too, for when you run out of skins.
all you religious people realize that the bible is a fairy tale book written by men not god. just checking as it seems some think otherwise. funny how the prophets are always alone in the desert or whatever when god 'talks to them' sigh......... the truth shall set you free but that truth is not to be found in the bible quite the opposite.
all you religious people realize that the bible is a fairy tale book written by men not god. just checking as it seems some think otherwise. funny how the prophets are always alone in the desert or whatever when god 'talks to them' sigh......... the truth shall set you free but that truth is not to be found in the bible quite the opposite.

ive said this a few times - we do not have the right to call ourselves intelligent life as long as we have religion around. :blsmoke:
For what it's worth, don't own any guns , rather don't like em. Name came by of setting up my account the usual name I used,was taken, used to be a park Ranger many years ago, wife thought the rangerbob thing was cool, but threw in the 357 mag because Rangerbob it was taken, and it needed some numbers and such, .soooooo came up with the 357 mag to allow myself to remember. Anyways, mabey giving my "rangerbob name on a Pot forum, not the brightest idea, but I got this thing I learned some time ago, God told me it did'nt make any difference what people thought about me. I guess I live my life, in a bit more peace, my not trying not to give a shit what anyone thinks about me and I can get a little carried away I guess at times. It's that zealous thing that Christians have that sometimes drives the ungodly kind of crazy at times. So not that you actually give a shit yourself, but I had a moment to responed. tiddles..........RB
I truly believe in aliens,,although I've never seen one,,,before I believe in "God",,,whom I've also never seen,,,Evolution is where it's at,,,are you where your at???
For what it's worth, don't own any guns , rather don't like em. Name came by of setting up my account the usual name I used,was taken, used to be a park Ranger many years ago, wife thought the rangerbob thing was cool, but threw in the 357 mag because Rangerbob it was taken, and it needed some numbers and such, .soooooo came up with the 357 mag to allow myself to remember. Anyways, mabey giving my "rangerbob name on a Pot forum, not the brightest idea, but I got this thing I learned some time ago, God told me it did'nt make any difference what people thought about me. I guess I live my life, in a bit more peace, my not trying not to give a shit what anyone thinks about me and I can get a little carried away I guess at times. It's that zealous thing that Christians have that sometimes drives the ungodly kind of crazy at times. So not that you actually give a shit yourself, but I had a moment to responed. tiddles..........RB
I like yur nick:blsmoke:
its that zealous thing that christians have that drive the ungodly crazy. no actually its statements like that from christians that irritate rational minds lol. these threads as i have often said are like chewing glass yet i cant stay away its terrible i must be some sort of internet masochist. i have avoided the political threads so im making progress.
Check out the part of the bible that talks about "The Herb of Life"

I was raised christian (but I grew outta that) and my grandmother is HARD CORE and know I grow.
The ONLY problem she has with it is that is illegal, she never brings up god like she does in everything else....
Talkin southern Baptist here too.
Hey everybody im 18 and have been smoking for a little less than a year. I was just wondering do you guys think that its wrong to smoke weed and be a christian. I grew up around the whole religious stuff, private school, chruch ect. and did not like it at all so many fake people and boringness. But at this point in my life i truly believe that there is a God just not sure what to believe or even know if we can know anything about this being. But so far from things ive reasearched and experienced i think the Christian God makes the most sense to me. I read this and though it had some good points but idk didnt convince me at all that its completley wrong. 1. Does it glorify him not really but does it really disapoint God too. Does sitting watching tv glorify god no but it doesnt hurt anything either 2. Yes when your on cannibis your a little less in control but as long as your doing cannibis in consideration and not doing before work school and interfering with your responsibilities then your still practicing good self control i think. 3. Cannibis has never made me do anything i really didnt want to do (unlike alcohol) i can pretty much control myself only think i cant is control laughing my euphoria and sometimes the muchies but even then i can control those now. So again i dont think its a problem. 4 Question 4 brings me back to the same point its not neccisarily glorifying but doest not glorify i think. As for the damage to your body yes it is hurting your lungs but isnt eating fatty foods hurting us too why is it not a prioity to completley stop eating all body harming foods I think because its a pleasure in life that God wants us to enjoy but he still wants us to practice self control so basically dont do it all the time. If your not abusing it and not pushing others to smoke then why should it hurt others. Others may be influenced to do it by seeing you and maybe they dont have the self control to handle it but thats when you should step in and tell them cannibis isnt for them. And for the last question well yes i could live without it...but i could live without alot of things i could go live on the bare minimum not have t.v guitars so many useless things but i think again that God placed some pleasures to enjoy (within reason of corase) on this earth and that there is nothing wrong with that. So any Christians on RIU who can help me. Basically im asking this because I truly believe that there is a God and am trying to figure out how to fill this emptiness in my life. Post anything please, it doesnt matter to me im probably wrong anyway and i apologize for any spelling grammatic and many other errors sorry :bigjoint:(Oh but dont post any hater shit have a point and some logic behind your statement please ty;-))
read your bible its in the first chapter of genesis verse 11-12
better yet have your own life experiences guide your way and keep them to yourself while living your own existence many problems solved. use your own mind to find your own truth no one can give it to you. religion is a farce and a crutch for uncreative minds so others can control the masses. look into the history of religious influence throughout history your religion of choice included.