Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

Let's analyze this bizarre theory. The Bible, it represents 1 in 750-million identifiable religions in the world. But of those 750-million, which one is most notable amongst the general population? The Bible's words. Whether you reside in America, Canada, Europe, France, Etc. you have heard of The Bible.

It's the #1 selling book of all-time & currently holds that spot. Harry Potter? Twilight? Who or what are those in 1,000 years from now? The Bible, will always be.

Studies have been done to show this or that about how The Bible was written over this many years by these people, etc. Bullsh*t! The Bible was written by one man, & one man only. Now, this man, was of course Jesus Christ. Why good ol' J.C.? Because unlike Adam, unlike Moses, unlike God even... J.C. made himself the star of his own book. Bragging rights in those centuries were big, to be able to say your a king, was huge... more meaning then then it is now to say your a president.

So, it only makes sense with that fact in hand, that Christ would want himself to be his own star, savior. He died for us, he walked for us, he was born by a virgin mother, his father was the creator, this guy had it all going for him. God wasn't the sh*t, Jesus was.

With that, Jesus Christ made the highest grossing book of all time. Jesus Christ made a book in which claimed to have true events in it, which are not, to tell an interesting story, in order to get his book recognized, in order to get him recognizes. For all we know, he was a peasant attempting to become someone, something more. Jesus Christ to this day created the biggest fan-following of all time, more then The Beatles, more then Kiss, more then Tupac.

If Jesus Christ were alive today, he would be richer then the richest man currently x100-million. Jesus Christ went from nobody, to somebody over night, & took a nation under his word for the past hundreds & hundreds of years.

Biggest con artist to ever walk planet Earth? I think so...

Whether his intentions were to con anybody out of anything, he managed to tell a false story while stating it to be true, so this alone, tells me he was attempting to benefit something. Chances are, he got that something.

"The concept of a theory is a subject that cannot be proven for a fact. As in the Bibles origins."


Active Member
lol jesus wasn't real
Why couldn't jesus have been real? He didn't have to be a miracle maker to be alive. I disagree with Roots on the fact that Jesus wrote the bible, but I do agree that he did exist. Jesus didn't have to really be the son of God to be a good person and care about humanity, thats the basis of God's teachings anyways, right? Jesus Christ was a peasant carpenter who may have given himself for his people, fueling their rage for war and igniting a passion for Christianity. He wasn't a miracle worker and he couldn't walk on water, but he still created something that the people went for. The bible wasn't written by Jesus Christ, he was the reason the bible was even written in the first the place!

Or thats my opinion, and two cents on theology today! Happy toking!


Well-Known Member
did you know the single wealthiest entity, and the largest landholder in the world, is the same organization, aka the catholic church?

jesus didnt write the bible. it was written long after he died, several hundred years in fact, and is actually a compilation of many religious texts and scrolls that precede christ, in some instances, by over 1000 years. the bible, as we know it, was actually composed by the roman emperor constantine, based on a carefully selected selection of several texts from current religious philosophy at the time was made by the council of nicea. almost every christian 'story' youve ever heard, more than likely, was an adaptation from an earlier 'pagan' religion. even some of our most 'christian' holidays, such as easter and christmas, are actually revamped versions of pagan festivals. constatine did this, not to get the glory of god, but to unify the roman republic, that was tearing itself apart internally from religous dissent. christianity, as we know it, is jsut another roman fraud. roman frauds are what made rome into the great empire it was, it was there method of assimilation.... a roman legion would invade a region, and then the romans would take the very best things from that region, whether it was religion, technology, slaves, money, anything that was an improvement over there current system, and 'make it there own' befiore the romans were 'christian' , they were pagan... and there pagan gods, were direct copies of greek, egyptian, and phoenician religous idols. so you can see a pattern forming here..... after the collapse of the roman empire, europe, now lacking an 'interstate economy' was plunged into chaos and disorder, much in the way that would happen to the US today if commerce was to come to a halt. in desperation, people clung to the old ways, as a way of keeping some semblance of order, and christianity, is one of the things that they clung to. what gives the bible its power, is that when it was written, it took the best of everything available, discarded that which was unclear or contradictory, and was combined into one text. its hard to argue against the combined wisdom of generations of elders composing stories to teach to younger generations on how to live. and just to add to that point, the bible itself, has been re-written and edited many times since the council of nicea. so is the bible a con? no. is the church that propigates it a con? absolutley. just because something was written, does not make it true.

and besides the fact that we know next to nothing about the life of jesus......
all the gospels, were written by others, not christ himself. you could say that believing the bible as truth, is the modern day equivalant of reading the tabloids and taking it as gospel... which is exactly the way many people choose to interpret the bible. sad......

As for him being richer then the richest man by 100-million, other then the fact it is a expression of disbelief to add the effect that his riches would be enormous, 2.5 billion bibles have sold America alone, at an average cost of $8.60 per-bible. So, $8.60 x 2.5 billion in the states, before adding gross from out of country, tell me that isn't one rich man?
did you know the single wealthiest entity, and the largest landholder in the world, is the same organization, aka the catholic church?

jesus didnt write the bible. it was written long after he died, several hundred years in fact, and is actually a compilation of many religious texts and scrolls that precede christ, in some instances, by over 1000 years. the bible, as we know it, was actually composed by the roman emperor constantine, based on a carefully selected selection of several texts from current religious philosophy at the time was made by the council of nicea. almost every christian 'story' youve ever heard, more than likely, was an adaptation from an earlier 'pagan' religion. even some of our most 'christian' holidays, such as easter and christmas, are actually revamped versions of pagan festivals. constatine did this, not to get the glory of god, but to unify the roman republic, that was tearing itself apart internally from religous dissent. christianity, as we know it, is jsut another roman fraud. roman frauds are what made rome into the great empire it was, it was there method of assimilation.... a roman legion would invade a region, and then the romans would take the very best things from that region, whether it was religion, technology, slaves, money, anything that was an improvement over there current system, and 'make it there own' befiore the romans were 'christian' , they were pagan... and there pagan gods, were direct copies of greek, egyptian, and phoenician religous idols. so you can see a pattern forming here..... after the collapse of the roman empire, europe, now lacking an 'interstate economy' was plunged into chaos and disorder, much in the way that would happen to the US today if commerce was to come to a halt. in desperation, people clung to the old ways, as a way of keeping some semblance of order, and christianity, is one of the things that they clung to. what gives the bible its power, is that when it was written, it took the best of everything available, discarded that which was unclear or contradictory, and was combined into one text. its hard to argue against the combined wisdom of generations of elders composing stories to teach to younger generations on how to live. and just to add to that point, the bible itself, has been re-written and edited many times since the council of nicea. so is the bible a con? no. is the church that propigates it a con? absolutley. just because something was written, does not make it true.
Agreed on that last statement. But, the concept of a theory is a subject that cannot be proven for a fact. As in the Bibles case, it cannot be proven as a fact as to who wrote it, if it's writings are real, etc. because nobody was alive then & any amount of science cannot tell you for a 100% fact anything dating back that far... thus, theories are born.

But I absolutely love your knowledge on the subject! I just wrote this for fun, should of known better lol, it's religion!


If Jc did actually exist im sure he was one hell of a carpenter....a prophet...sure....but IMHO....just another man trying to spred his own make a name for himself. The first thing that came to mind when i started to question the intentions of organized religion, was that you cannot debate that the Catholic Church got their followers by fear. the crusades. they went on a spree of terror and murder. and if you did not convert, your gonna be laying next to the rest of your family in a hole in the ground. when i was a kid i thought it was all about peace, and loving your fellow man, and respecting each other, come to find out the catholic church is no different than all the other blood sucking, greedy, power hungry corporations out there. And it is still what it has always been about...Money...Power...and the ability to "CONTROL" the masses. Im sure JC was a great guy in his day...and im sure if he is looking down at this very moment...he is not pleased with what has been carried out in his name. Just another group of men that have twisted a good idea into something to feed there own greed IMO.


Well-Known Member
would you like the names of the prinicipal speakers of the council of nicea, along with the dates, location, travel instructions, a copy of the agenda of the council, and a detailed explanation of the arian question that was the reason for the summoning of the council to begin with?
these are documented facts, not theories.... the original texts themselves, your right, we dont know iwho the author, or more likely, authors, were. but the bible itself, there is not much doubt.


Well-Known Member
If Jc did actually exist im sure he was one hell of a carpenter....a prophet...sure....but IMHO....just another man trying to spred his own make a name for himself. The first thing that came to mind when i started to question the intentions of organized religion, was that you cannot debate that the Catholic Church got their followers by fear. the crusades. they went on a spree of terror and murder. and if you did not convert, your gonna be laying next to the rest of your family in a hole in the ground. when i was a kid i thought it was all about peace, and loving your fellow man, and respecting each other, come to find out the catholic church is no different than all the other blood sucking, greedy, power hungry corporations out there. And it is still what it has always been about...Money...Power...and the ability to "CONTROL" the masses. Im sure JC was a great guy in his day...and im sure if he is looking down at this very moment...he is not pleased with what has been carried out in his name. Just another group of men that have twisted a good idea into something to feed there own greed IMO.
bah, i am a roman catholic, and here i am, talking shit about the catholic church.
were not all heretics ;)


Well-Known Member
Why couldn't jesus have been real? He didn't have to be a miracle maker to be alive. I disagree with Roots on the fact that Jesus wrote the bible, but I do agree that he did exist. Jesus didn't have to really be the son of God to be a good person and care about humanity, thats the basis of God's teachings anyways, right? Jesus Christ was a peasant carpenter who may have given himself for his people, fueling their rage for war and igniting a passion for Christianity. He wasn't a miracle worker and he couldn't walk on water, but he still created something that the people went for. The bible wasn't written by Jesus Christ, he was the reason the bible was even written in the first the place!

Or thats my opinion, and two cents on theology today! Happy toking!
you know how dumb that is? there is no proof of him other than the bible. Yeah everything said about the guy is false but he was really alive. I bet he had 18 arms and could piss laser beams but they must've left that out



As for him being richer then the richest man by 100-million, other then the fact it is a expression of disbelief to add the effect that his riches would be enormous, 2.5 billion bibles have sold America alone, at an average cost of $8.60 per-bible. So, $8.60 x 2.5 billion in the states, before adding gross from out of country, tell me that isn't one rich man?
where did you get your numbers. you need to recheck your source.
nice mag roots not at all what i expected still readin it. lol @ the guy takein a q into jury duty LMAO
Thank you, I don't actually work on the magazine, I'm the publicist lol. So the credit would have to go to the ones who actually put it together & they will hear your positive reviews trust me! There was an error between pages 23-24, that has since been fixed, there is suppose to be 25 pages. So you might want to go back to the end, in which the president does another dialogue/editorial page to close the magazine.

Thank you for the kind words.

where did you get your numbers. you need to recheck your source.
Guinness World Records Book, I'm actually looking at it right now. I find this book to be supporting creditable information, as well as a reliable source. Since you seem to know numbers & facts, going off the assumption that you told me I need to recheck my numbers, meaning you know the right numbers, where exactly are you getting your numbers that are more of a reliable source then Guinness? Heck my Guinness book is old, so chances are they have sold more to this point, supporting my facts further.

Just out of curiosity, you don't have to answer if you do not wish too... =)


Active Member
It comes down to a matter of faith. We all have something we believe in. Just because you can't see something with your own eyes doesn't mean it didn't exist or ever was. Take the great example of air. People write books and teach about air and even worry about people polluting it. So, they believe it is there. You can't taste it, touch it or see it can you? But, none the less it is still there. As for the proof issue just go under water and you find out it does exist real fast. When we pass away (and we all will) Then and only then will you know for sure the truth. Jesus taught people to love one another,forgive each other and show compassion. What is so bad about that????