Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

Jesus is NOT the con-artist. Its the Christians. Its like blaming Charles Ponzi for what Bernie Madoff did!
Let's analyze this bizarre theory. The Bible, it represents 1 in 750-million identifiable religions in the world. But of those 750-million, which one is most notable amongst the general population? The Bible's words. Whether you reside in America, Canada, Europe, France, Etc. you have heard of The Bible.

It's the #1 selling book of all-time & currently holds that spot. Harry Potter? Twilight? Who or what are those in 1,000 years from now? The Bible, will always be.

Studies have been done to show this or that about how The Bible was written over this many years by these people, etc. Bullsh*t! The Bible was written by one man, & one man only. Now, this man, was of course Jesus Christ. Why good ol' J.C.? Because unlike Adam, unlike Moses, unlike God even... J.C. made himself the star of his own book. Bragging rights in those centuries were big, to be able to say your a king, was huge... more meaning then then it is now to say your a president.

So, it only makes sense with that fact in hand, that Christ would want himself to be his own star, savior. He died for us, he walked for us, he was born by a virgin mother, his father was the creator, this guy had it all going for him. God wasn't the sh*t, Jesus was.

With that, Jesus Christ made the highest grossing book of all time. Jesus Christ made a book in which claimed to have true events in it, which are not, to tell an interesting story, in order to get his book recognized, in order to get him recognizes. For all we know, he was a peasant attempting to become someone, something more. Jesus Christ to this day created the biggest fan-following of all time, more then The Beatles, more then Kiss, more then Tupac.

If Jesus Christ were alive today, he would be richer then the richest man currently x100-million. Jesus Christ went from nobody, to somebody over night, & took a nation under his word for the past hundreds & hundreds of years.

Biggest con artist to ever walk planet Earth? I think so...

Whether his intentions were to con anybody out of anything, he managed to tell a false story while stating it to be true, so this alone, tells me he was attempting to benefit something. Chances are, he got that something.

"The concept of a theory is a subject that cannot be proven for a fact. As in the Bibles origins."

I have no idea where you get your info, but Christ never wrote anything, and there is no reason to believe he was even literate. If you research Jesus from a historical perspective, you might change your opinion. Here are a couple of titles for you to read, and I think you will find them very interesting. Rabbi Jesus, was written by an Anglican priest who is also an anthropologist, and considers the life of Christ based solely on archeological, and anthropological evidence regarding how the jews lived during the time of Christ.
Jesus Christ the Missing Years, very interesting read as it suggests, and perhaps proves that the time missing from the bible ( from the time Christ was 13 until he reappears at 30 ) Christ was in India and Tibet studying with the masters of Hinduism, and Buddhism. There are even Tibetan scrolls, written only 40 years after Christ's death, which detail both his time in India and Tibet, and his crucifixion. National Geographics even sent a team to verify the existence of these scrolls.

Whatever else you may think, IMO you have an unnecessarily hostile approach to Christianity. Whereas I will concede that much corruption has been perpetrated in the name of Christ, Many are those who have rewritten their lives for the better after the application of a little faith.

Oh, and I share your bad opinion of the Catholic church. With all their wealth they could do so much good in the world, but choose instead to focus on telling us how everything is a sin if you enjoy it.
All religious head are scam artists. If you know God/have the access to God, why the fuck would you go bragging to people and try to convince them? Why?

I am an atheist and lol I hate these goddamn religious figures.

The only religion I appreciate is Buddhism and some forms of Hinduism. They have no rules. And they are close to atheism.
I have no idea where you get your info, but Christ never wrote anything, and there is no reason to believe he was even literate.

This is why it's a "theory" nobody knows where the bible came from, who wrote it, or if it's true. Nobody, I don't care where you get your info. nobody knows, it was far to long ago for anyone to know, & no amount of science can say for a 100% fact they know who wrote it, if its real, & where it came from, no science, don't care.

I know everything about the Bible, I have studied it many times, I know the theory that many people wrote it, I know that Christ never wrote it according to belief. Like I said, it's a bizarre theory for a reason, because it goes against all odds & all scientific belief about it's origins & background. Thus making it a bizarre theory & the chances of my theory being right, are close to none. I agree with that.

I also agree with the fact that everyone else' theory on the bible is also incorrect, I don't think one soul on this planet knows even a fraction of what the bible was intended for. To be honest, I'm a realist & half the beliefs we have about this or that, including the dinosaurs I don't buy, I think these people who research it think they know the origins or back stories & I think they come up with a lot of coincidental reasons for these back stories, but like I said, I'm a realist & anything that happened as far back as dinosaurs or even the first existence of Adam & Eve cannot be accounted for through science.

Sorry, nobody knows what the bible is, or what it represents, for all we know satan himself wrote it, for all we know a guy named Yirsh Jurel wrote it while high on some herbal substance... were you there when the bible was being created? No. Was anyone there other then the ones who did it? No. So all we can do is go by what others have stated or believe...

Where am I getting my info? I'm getting it from my common-sense factor & my common-sense tells me nobody knows anything about the bible.
PS: I have seen far greater evidence of Egyptians religious beliefs that make far more sense then the bible. So if anything... I would say I believe in Egyptians words before the Bibles.
PS: I have seen far greater evidence of Egyptians religious beliefs that make far more sense then the bible. So if anything... I would say I believe in Egyptians words before the Bibles.

Have you studied Buddhism? I find is more interesting. I have not yet studied anything about Egyptian religious beliefs. Should give a try.

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."
Have you studied Buddhism? I find is more interesting. I have not yet studied anything about Egyptian religious beliefs. Should give a try.

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne."

No I haven't actually, is it interesting? I love to read up & study on religion(s) because there are so many & they all make sense for they're own reasons. I try to believe the scariest one because usually the truth hurts or scares you. Lol. I know Buddhism is widely known, just never figured it was worth it I guess, but your avatar is interesting so I'm sure your beliefs are as well. Lol.
No I haven't actually, is it interesting? I love to read up & study on religion(s) because there are so many & they all make sense for they're own reasons. I try to believe the scariest one because usually the truth hurts or scares you. Lol. I know Buddhism is widely known, just never figured it was worth it I guess, but your avatar is interesting so I'm sure your beliefs are as well. Lol.

I had a sadhu as my teacher. He was educated at Harvard--a great achievement for someone from a poor family from a third world country. He also worked at one of the leading cancer institutes in the US. Then he lost interest in life and renounced everything. It was a great spiritual experience to be with him.

His philosophy was a combination of Buddhism and more modern concepts. Still think a lot about it when I am high and my thoughts are more clear.
I dont think someone like Jesus Christ would care about materialistic shit, like wealth and stuff..but what do I know, back to my blunt!
Exactly... your going by the Jesus Christ in the bible, I'm not. I'm going by the Jesus Christ that created the bible for fame, which in whole is a completely different person. it would be like you writing a book stating - you are gay. Yet, in reality, your straight... then someone comes along & says "I think BDBandit said he was gay in the book because in that era many people were gay so it appealed to audiences more for his books fame..." people will base they're opinion by your false statements of yourself, but then someone like me comes along & says "No, I don't think BDBandit would be straight since he said he wasn't..." That person is going off the false-version of you, just like you are going by the false version of Jesus Christ.

Of course he wouldn't care about materialistic shit, wealth, etc. because you know the J.C. from the bible... re-read this thread, it isn't about that J.C. lol.

It's a completely ridiculous theory to begin with. Just clarifying how you kind of fell into that one, you sort of helped my theory rather then go against it.
This is why it's a "theory" nobody knows where the bible came from, who wrote it, or if it's true. Nobody, I don't care where you get your info. nobody knows, it was far to long ago for anyone to know, & no amount of science can say for a 100% fact they know who wrote it, if its real, & where it came from, no science, don't care.

It says right here in my copy "Translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his majesty's special command. Authorized King James Version" So in other words, it is a translation of the original translations translated by King James of England's appointed translators whom, may I add, couldn't read himself. In summary, it's a pile of rubbish and bullshit with the pages of passages best used as rolling paper. Just a quick summarized read of King James rule should make you discard this book that I can only best describe as a parasite that sucks the life out of the human race. But let us not dwell on facts. Just remember Jesus loves you and be a good christian and spread the word so you will be rewarded in the afterlife (which its existence can't be proved either) so you can praise this ego-maniacal entity for all of eternity. Where do I sign up? /End of sarcasm rant

Personally, I find it entertaining to flip on the religious channel from time to time and the priest/pastor/clergy will read a passage and say "What I think God is trying to say here is ...." Folks, if some pea brain that can't even comprehend theories of an astrophysicist can suddenly interpret the word of "God" for you I highly doubt he is on such a higher level of intelligence that he can comprehend the thoughts of the most advanced entity known to man.

Sorry to be such a cynic and crush some of your beliefs but I have a very low tolerance for religious bullshit and the people who roll in it.
Exactly... your going by the Jesus Christ in the bible, I'm not. I'm going by the Jesus Christ that created the bible for fame, which in whole is a completely different person. it would be like you writing a book stating - you are gay. Yet, in reality, your straight... then someone comes along & says "I think BDBandit said he was gay in the book because in that era many people were gay so it appealed to audiences more for his books fame..." people will base they're opinion by your false statements of yourself, but then someone like me comes along & says "No, I don't think BDBandit would be straight since he said he wasn't..." That person is going off the false-version of you, just like you are going by the false version of Jesus Christ.

Of course he wouldn't care about materialistic shit, wealth, etc. because you know the J.C. from the bible... re-read this thread, it isn't about that J.C. lol.

It's a completely ridiculous theory to begin with. Just clarifying how you kind of fell into that one, you sort of helped my theory rather then go against it.

Ah, I do see what your trying to say then. Makes a lot more sense when I'm sober hehe.
Ah, I do see what your trying to say then. Makes a lot more sense when I'm sober hehe.

I'm trying damnit! Lol. Very hard too explain - I wasn't even sure if I did in the response to you. Glad you got it... sorry for the analogy it was all I could think of at the time lol.
has no one pointed out that christianity is basically one woman's lie about virginity that got taken too far?

AGREED! Lol. Really. Virgin Mary? She was probably scared to say she had sex with someone, wasn't allowed by her parents, wasn't ready for what her friends would say about her, didn't want to be the town whore for not being in a relationship, or she slept with someone of high level that would be forbidden to tell. Numerous reasons as to why she'd keep it a secret. Next thing you know, someone writes a story about it because they found it interesting that someone could have a child untouched. This someone was probably Jesus, her own son, because he of anyone would be the most interested in his existence, he would be the one wondering who his father was since everyone else had one, thus creating a story so people would not call him names or say he has no father or his father ran out on him or his mothers a whore.

If a woman got pregnant today, & said she was a virgin, nobody would think twice to call her a liar... but nobody will question Mary? Funny how people go so blind due to propaganda. Without all the religion & talk about it growing up & from media, bibles, churchs, etc... nobody would believe it as well. Religion is a business, not a saving.
haha yes roots! well there is the whole angel coming to joseph in a dream but they were probably on some form of ye olde acid.

any one else see the irony in a carpenter's foster son being killed on a wooden cross?
haha yes roots! well there is the whole angel coming to joseph in a dream but they were probably on some form of ye olde acid.

any one else see the irony in a carpenter's foster son being killed on a wooden cross?

I'm forwarding your responses to one of our writers who is covering a story on this this month. Share more insight.
JESUS didn't write the bible. some of the bible was written by paul while in prison. I have heard Jesus was a really cool dude and i belive it
I do not know much about religion because I do not believe in it but I will say religion is just another way for people to scam money off others. The biggest scam! And also for child molesters to find a job around little boys! This is just my opinion. I am not saying that all priests are child molesters. Just some. And those kind of people should be hung or shot to death