Is led lite to close


Well-Known Member
Please dont flush those ladies. They are fine. It was only water splashage on the leaves that caused them to burn.
I'm thinking water burn for now also, got looking at them real close and it is only 1 leave on each plant. I didn't flush just gave them some water and raised the light up to about 20" i will see how they respond in the next couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a little bit of burning. But I would also raise the light.
im not sure what you light actually draws from the wall. But I have some 100watt cobs for veg and I am about 24” away for the first 2 weeks (300-350ppfd) Then down to about 16-18” ( 500-550 PPFD).
Those are in my veg tent. Flowering you want to be in the 800-1000ppfd. My veg lights need to be at 12” to hit those numbers.

my flower lights are hitting 1000-1200 PPFD at 24”.


Well-Known Member
Lights are to close I have LEDs between 2/3 feet away when plants are that small. I'd start with 3 foot then if they start getting stretchy I'd lower it. Having LEDs to close will cause the problems your having. I've experienced this myself in the past.


Well-Known Member
If the soil was that hot for them how would the new seed with the tap root survive? here are a couple of new pictures, the browning is only on the lowest level of the first set of leaves.
Most would recommend a seedling starter mix in those solo cups or maybe some happy frog.

FFOF is really meant for already established plants.

The seedlings will survive in it. They will eventually grow. But its not optimal for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Most would recommend a seedling starter mix in those solo cups or maybe some happy frog.

FFOF is really meant for already established plants.

The seedlings will survive in it. They will eventually grow. But its not optimal for seedlings.
Got it. Will it stunt their growth?


Active Member
The discoloration occurs when pouring water + nutrients into the cup and the leaf touching the solution. I wouldn’t worry about it if you too think that is the cause.


Well-Known Member
The discoloration occurs when pouring water + nutrients into the cup and the leaf touching the solution. I wouldn’t worry about it if you too think that is the cause.

Yes I'm starting to believe that is what is going on, even though i know not to get water on the leaves when watering, i don't see as well now. And i watered them this morning and now they look better than they did, so it is definitely not over watering.


Active Member
Yes I'm starting to believe that is what is going on, even though i know not to get water on the leaves when watering, i don't see as well now. And i watered them this morning and now they look better than they did, so it is definitely not over watering.
Don’t give it a second thought...I have 20/20 and still carelessly pour water on the leaves...they sneak in the cup when you’re not looking. Carry on :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
In your clear pics unless you just watered and instantly took the pics it's overwatered. Bottom leaves drooping at tips and soil looks wet not moist. If what you said about watering twice in 16 days is not good this leads me to believe your not watering enough but watering to much when you do. And yes the soil is to hot for seedlings but will work themselves out as grow bigger. When my plants are that size I spray water to water them just a little bit around the stem about 3/4 times a day. When there more established I'm watering more every 3 days then in flower it's every 2 days. This is just my opinion on what I can see in the pics you uploaded. Good luck for your grow mate and merry Christmas.


Well-Known Member
IMO ocean forest isn’t that hot especially compared what I put my young plants in. Ocean forest has a .3 for nitrogen alone the soil i use is 1.1 they explode when they hit that stuff.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a Calcium problem and that 1000W is actually only 126W and one user from that link says that they only use that light for seedlings which is about the only use for that LED as my seedlings goes under a 90w UFO LED