I had a really really bad trip on LSD, ended up in the A&E. I didn't take mine on a blotter paper, I took a drop. Well, I was given a drop. A drop of LSD on my first ever psychedelic drug, a dropper used to blott like 10 peices of paper. This girl, a friend of my brothers came around mine, so my brother me, and her. A model from London, however I have no idea how she was a model, she was good looking but had some pretty bad teeth. She had nowhere to stay, so I said she could stay the night but she has leave tomorrow morning.
She was taking all sorts of drugs throughout the night, mainly nos. Making a loud ass noise with this silver creamer thing. Drove me fucking crazy. I got past it, let it ride through. Tried not to think anything of it.
My brother left, around 8. She then insisted I try some acid. I did a drop, she had already done about 5-6 drops before me. So she was pretty far gone. Everything was pleasant at first, the lights outside looked like palm trees, the light in the room from the shader looked like fan leaves on the wall. I had some really nice visuals. But something made me tick, I started feeling a little boxed in, by this I felt as if I was in the matrix or being sucked through a balloon. As if I was about to be transported into some sort of different dimension. (I felt like I was dying). That's exactly what I thought dying would be like. I believed I was dying. I felt cybernonicly connected to the girl, and then started believing everyone was some sort of robot. Like the insides of us are all mechanical, and I believed life was a lie. We sleep, eat drink etc etc, and it's the same most of the time. Like someone has control over us. I felt like a machine was taking control of everything. It felt like the whole room, atmosphere. everything was just a bunch of different particle beams like strings all lined up. (The only way I can describe it). This computer knew when someone had changed, whenever I got to stand up from the couch the lights outside the window would change and it felt like this computer thing knew I was getting up, and it was alerted. I kept asking to go to the hospital, something definitely wasn't right.
The girl ended up calling some paramedics to check me out. (I thought they were apart of the system too) Like they were fake. Everything was fine at first, I felt a bit more safe. But then I started becoming a bit aggressive, something definitely switched in my brain. I literally kicked the guys out of the flat. I feel really bad for the blokes now, wish I could apologize.
Anyway, after all of this my mind was a blur. I wasn't in control of myself at this point. My brain was rushing from every different spectrum of thought I could ever process. I ended up having a dream while awake and everything was happening, thats the state I was in. I was dreaming, while awake. I ran out of the flat, the 2 paramedics were leaving., and I smashed the window in the stairwell with the back of my fist. I was telling them to "fucking get back here". I'm a pretty big guy, 210lbs 6"2 they must've of been absolutely terrified.
I ended up running around the car park with my shirt off, with no shoes. And just a pair of khakis on. The girl said this was happening for about 30 minutes, before the police came. I was told all of this but, I remember part of it. The police came to check out the area for a raving lunatic, probably reported by someone. They came with a riot van, and a lot of police officers. The girl said it took about 6 police officers to take me down. I remember one of the policeman digging his finger under my jaw with my head the curb trying to ask me stuff, the girl was reassuring them I was on drugs, that I'm never like this.
I ended up being shipped to the hospital in a riot van. I woke up around 7am the same morning in a hospital bed with nothing but a pair of jeans and my boxers, they gave me 20mg of diazapam to try and calm me down 20x the recommended amount for a person on my record. . They told me what happened. And said I was free to leave, I asked for some clothes which they never gave. I walked back to my apartment in nothing but my jeans.
Needless to say, I'm never taking LSD again. If I do I'm never taking a full drop of the stuff, It was probably one of the worst experiences of my life.