Is Miracle Grow really the devil???


Well-Known Member
The MG potting soil is also poor for marijuana growth because of the extended release N........I've had certain strains (such as Mazar) that delayed flowering cause of too much N from this mix.
Agreed. N is a low priority value in the flowering stage of annual plants. Too much will offset the balance of microbes servicing soil requirements at flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
I have them under a 42 watt bulb, but I just found out today that the K rating on it is useless so I will be replacing it with 2 23 watters with the proper spectrum. What r u using?
I'm stuck with two shitty T8 fluoros since the closet I'm growing in gets too hot for my 250w hps. I'm hoping they blow up when I take them outside in a few days.


Well-Known Member
if u have good natural soil in ure area its a dicked deal . just ammend soil with , perlite , composted cow shit and a few cups of lime , all can b had at wallyworld . i wood order the ff three pack on line . lime amount depends on pot size .


Well-Known Member
if u have good natural soil in ure area its a dicked deal . just ammend soil with , perlite , composted cow shit and a few cups of lime , all can b had at wallyworld . i wood order the ff three pack on line . lime amount depends on pot size .
I thought our soil was ok here, but when I started digging I noticed it has a lot of clay. Gonna try the MG organic garden soil with about 30% perlite since I already bought it, opened in, and have it out there already. Yeah it seems like everyone uses that FF stuff, but I saw Botanicare Grow formula on ebay for like $20 with shipping so I went with it.

Just as a warning, if anyone else is going to use the MG organic garden soil (not the potting soil) it is VERY heavy. I'd suggest cutting it down with at least 1/4 perlite.


Well-Known Member
I thought our soil was ok here, but when I started digging I noticed it has a lot of clay. Gonna try the MG organic garden soil with about 30% perlite since I already bought it, opened in, and have it out there already. Yeah it seems like everyone uses that FF stuff, but I saw Botanicare Grow formula on ebay for like $20 with shipping so I went with it.

Just as a warning, if anyone else is going to use the MG organic garden soil (not the potting soil) it is VERY heavy. I'd suggest cutting it down with at least 1/4 perlite.
i personally didnt like botanicare i had defencies in flowering , then i changed 2 tiger bloom it stopped the yellowing in its tracks .u deff want 2 add perlite 2 mg organic , the bag i got had little 2 none


If you were to ask a worm, Miracle grow and any chemical fertilizers are the devil!. Worms are the work horses of the garden. The processes of worms living turn old plant material into compost and worm casings that enrich the soil, and fight off and prevent plant diseases. Worms themselves also give off materials that are fungacides and materials that help the enchange and growth of nutrients and water from the plant roots.

Ever get salt on a cut or a cracked lip? Hurts don't it. Worms feel the same way. They are softbodied animals and the salts in any fake, or Miracle grow product feel like someone is pouring acid on them. THey take off and your gardens fertilitiy suffers. In additon, without the worms, diseases increase inlcuding bacterial wilts and other soil born diseases that have no real cure. So you can ruin your entire plot by destroying natures balance.
Even if the worms are not severely affected right away, other problems result. Ever seen a kid or adult that eats too much sugar. Sooner or later they get sick. The articifically high nitrogen content attracts BUGS just like sugar attracts bacteria to rot your teeth. So now you have to pesticides and disease killers to keep your plants alive which kills off more natural predators so you ahve to keep spraying.
Every rain washes your fertilizerand pesticide into the human water suppy where you and your kids and all the fishes in the world get to drink it! This causes the algea to bloom in lakes so the fishes die, and of course humans are not supposed to be drinking fertilizers. There is No way to get it out of the water!
Use an organic fertilizer. It feeds and attracts plants and worms. It is long lasting. It helps discourage bugs and disease, and it
doesn't wash away with a rain. You will not end up feeding it to the whole world either.


if you go to fox farms website they have a "where to buy " tab or something similar and it pulls up a map of the USA. just find your state and itʻll narrow the search down to specific cities and choose the city closest to you and itʻll narrow it down to the store and the address.

I just did that today and found two hydroponic stores that i never knew existed. I didnʻt think there were any stores like that here where i live seing as how dry it is and how expensive the weed is.


Well-Known Member
if you go to fox farms website they have a "where to buy " tab or something similar and it pulls up a map of the USA. just find your state and itʻll narrow the search down to specific cities and choose the city closest to you and itʻll narrow it down to the store and the address.

I just did that today and found two hydroponic stores that i never knew existed. I didnʻt think there were any stores like that here where i live seing as how dry it is and how expensive the weed is.
Yeah man I was on there. At first I thought the nearest place was like an hour and forty five minutes away, but when I checked again I saw one in a town a never heard of that's a little over an hour. It's still kinda far just to drive for dirt though. If I was gonna grow indoor I'd probably take a ride and pick some up, but I don't have the room so I gotta do outdoor for the summer. I found a half decent local brand that I used to fill the rest of the holes. There is a place I found that sells pro-mix, which is good for outdoors, but I already had the holes dug and filled before I found out they carried it.


Well-Known Member
If you're container gardening whatever you use you don't want to use anything with the word soil on the bag. This includes potting soil, garden soil, organic garden soil etc etc. Any soil with compact your roots inside a pot. You want to use a soil less mix. Potting mix is the label you would normally look for. Even a company like Fox Farms really doesn't sell "soil". They're misusing the word. Their Ocean Forest does say it contains loam(careful blend of sand silt and clay) but it has an abundance of other things to lighten the load or to create air flow. Roots do best when they can breathe in such cramped quarters.

I agree with going organic. You can also make your own soil less mixture. Lot of that Fox Farm stuff is severely overpriced. Why? Because most of the country doesn't live in the Pacific NW. If you do live near water though you can get your hands on some nice sea weed. Rinse thoroughly though. Bat dung will be harder to come by but there are various manures available. Earthworm castings? Water your lawn a lot and collect them.

btw MG organic has a good amount of nitrogen in it(if you're trying to limit nitrogen). I believe it uses chicken feathers or chicken crap. Those will make things grow though. Be careful though they can be hot and even poisonous to humans. Wear rubber gloves if it mentions poultry(the dirty bird).


Well-Known Member
i would nver use miracle grow. you can go down to your local garden center and ask for soil thats alive and buy some organic nutes and ur set they cost about the same and show healthier growth, disease resistance, larger better tasting yeilds. miracle grow is dead soil made from 100% chemical in a scientists lab. dont use miracle grow.


Active Member
i use the organic mg mixed with some vermiculite,steer manureand..and my ph is around 5-6 since its mg i do go easy with the watering but can get away with it sometime cus of the mix...but id look in to some for of promix..
sonar my plants have been outside for about 2 1/2 weeks and are the exact same size BUT before i put them outside i had them indoors and transplanted them into bigger pots with MG potting soil with added nutrients the plants are now 5 weeks old and still that size... i think MG sucks balls i regret transplanting them the soil i was using was pure organic :S


Well-Known Member
sonar my plants have been outside for about 2 1/2 weeks and are the exact same size BUT before i put them outside i had them indoors and transplanted them into bigger pots with MG potting soil with added nutrients the plants are now 5 weeks old and still that size... i think MG sucks balls i regret transplanting them the soil i was using was pure organic :S
The biggest thing so far is that it just won't dry out for me. Granted it's been raining here a lot lately, but every time I go out the soil is soaked. I was driving by a roadside stand that opens up around this time of year and sells plants and flowers, and just happened to look and the guy had a pallet of Sunshine mix. I picked up a bag and actually just got home from planting my last two. I like to do it late at night like this so no one sees me. So, among other thing, I got two pretty much identical Northern Lights. One is in a half decent local brand and one is in Sunshine mix. It will be interesting to compare how they turn out.