Is my 1400watts making my power pole spark ????? HelP

Thanks people . I've got a huge old shed out back that on runs off a power cord running from the house. I got a heavy duty extension cord and tried it with one light going seem to be ok now but still abit nervous putting my other two on I'll try it tomorrow see what happens. Just don't want any attention coming my way cause that's a 3year sentence cheers guys
Be careful running everything off one power point. Its a big draw on one outlet.
Can power companies find out some how? I had a electrician come hook my power up so I don't pay for it
Dont have a fire. Your Insurence will be null and void, plus you will get a big fine.

Dont have anyone die in said fire or by electrocution. You will get a long holiday in a place with large walls and bad food.
good to know that all i have.. . but not that many
It makes a difference if you're running 120V vs 240V. 120V is one leg so if you stack too many lights on one leg you'll trip your breaker with as little as half the amps.

Another concern is motors like AC compressors; they will momentarily draw much more current than they do once they're running. If there's already a load on the circuit it can trip during startup.
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that looks like every pole i saw in mexico city that was more than a few blocks from down town.
you had an electrician hook you up illegally? you might have mentioned that in your first post. they WILL come and they WILL see what you're doing. especially if your "electrician" fucked something up, which it sounds like he did, then they'll call the cops to come and you're going to be fucked. there are some requirements for growing undercover, and not causing the local utilities to come investigate what the hell you're doing is in the top 10 for sure
that looks like every pole i saw in mexico city that was more than a few blocks from down town.
you had an electrician hook you up illegally? you might have mentioned that in your first post. they WILL come and they WILL see what you're doing. especially if your "electrician" fucked something up, which it sounds like he did, then they'll call the cops to come and you're going to be fucked. there are some requirements for growing undercover, and not causing the local utilities to come investigate what the hell you're doing is in the top 10 for sure
I know right.

Anyone that steals power is a real dumb ass.

The electric company sells a service. As long as the bill is paid they don't care.

Stealing power is one of the top reasons people get caught.
i'm not sure about the laws in New Zealand, but i'm pretty sure the local power utility is going to frown on you stealing from them, especially if it leads to a transformer melting down