Is my baby a HERMAPHRODITE!?!?


Well-Known Member
I have this cutest little plant that I love so much, but I've just noticed (2 weeks into flowering) that it has balls. I cut the balls off, but now I'm look suspiciously at the colas. Are these just going to bust out into a pyramid of seeds???? Its Afghani arghhhhH!!!!!

Please help, new grower :)
xokimmi bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
rather than just browsing, can i get some feedback here?
there are definately some balls there... if not a full on male. if its your only plant ild say grow it out and see, if anything a hermie is a good way to get feminized seeds. it its not your only one ild say move it outside or cut it. sry dude.


Well-Known Member
I believe the ideal situation would be to get rid of any hermie or male plants.(unless harvesting pollen) However, I've heard that some people just keep a sharp eye on hermie plants either picking seeds out after harvest, or clipping balls off during grow. The latter will inevitably cause stress slowing down growth.


Well-Known Member
Yeah think I see some balls in there too.i just hacked down 3 hermis,sucked but they had to go


Active Member
there are definately some balls there... if not a full on male. if its your only plant ild say grow it out and see, if anything a hermie is a good way to get feminized seeds. it its not your only one ild say move it outside or cut it. sry dude.

Everything that I've ever read(and experienced) has said that hermies give hermie seeds, not Feminized seeds. Now if you have a female with just a FEW male flowers on it, that will give you Feminized seeds, but a true hermie I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
yep i cut the balls off! both main colas were male, mofos!!!!!!!! i basically cut those branches all the way back to the main stem. I probably ended up cutting more than i needed to but whatever. Its alone in a box. The seed came from a hermie plant. Let me tell you this tho, i smoke the balls ( I SMOKE BALLS!!!! ) and the leaves that i chopped and got LIT UP. Thats a good sign for a young plant, uncured, and male, i would say. I do think a lot of those flowers are female, dont you guys?

I heart eunuch's


Active Member
If it's your only plant, then you don't have much option but to keep trucking and see what happens. And if smoking the uncured balls got you high, all's the better!


Well-Known Member
yeah, i was really suprised i got anything off the balls.... i took two clones off this plant, should i dump them? ive got another afghani seedling at about 2 weeks into veg.... during the growth of this hermie i have, i was constantly adjusting light etc, setting shit up, so i prob stressed the tranny out.

so, ditch the clones?



Active Member
Does anyone even think that this plant is a hermie. I know my eyes are bad but I don't see any pistils anywhere on that plant. I think it's a male, in which case you should just ditch the clones. Better luck next time. Try starting a bunch of seeds so that after cullling the males you will still be left with some ladies. And don't plant hermie seeds. Throw them away.


Well-Known Member
i totally see female parts on it.....i guess i'll see in a couple weeks. its alone so no harm no foul. you saying all those flowering parts are parts of the male, even tho they are hairy without balls?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone even think that this plant is a hermie. I know my eyes are bad but I don't see any pistils anywhere on that plant. I think it's a male, in which case you should just ditch the clones. Better luck next time. Try starting a bunch of seeds so that after cullling the males you will still be left with some ladies. And don't plant hermie seeds. Throw them away.

My eyes are bad too, but i think i agree and this is a male. Also agree on the seed part. A hermie dont make female seeds, who comes up with this stuff?

Well-Known Member
I see a male.

No evidence of female-ness (yes female-ness)

It is even tall and skinny looking

Most girls are shorter and bushier.

Sorry mate.



Well-Known Member
you think my plant is tall and skinny? it is 5 INCHES tall and 7 INCHES across . There is nothing TALL or SKINNY about it.