Is my baby o.k.?

And one more question. Can I take it outside and bring it back under the cfl lights when it gets dark outside? will it effect the plant at all if I do this?


Active Member
relax man haters will be haters. your plants not even a month old and it looks fine. Invest in a timer and you will have no more accidents


Well-Known Member
No, youll be good. right noe you can leave it outside 24/0 and it will not flower. It will veg outdoors until around august.


Well-Known Member
Lol. flowering time for most plants INDOORS is 6 to 8 weeks after light chang. Outdoor harvest are between october-november. U have a way's to go. PATIENCE, I'mma smoker and a Grower if i could share a swisher i would .


Well-Known Member

24/0 is fine if you like. Some use 18/6 some 24/0(which i use).that is new growth, you will not see sex for a while. Like week 6 of growth. They are fine n look good.[/QUOT

Ohhh I know my shit. There is no point in 24/ get the same result from 18/6 so why do it? you can pay the electric more money? what a great plan!


Well-Known Member

24/0 is fine if you like. Some use 18/6 some 24/0(which i use).that is new growth, you will not see sex for a while. Like week 6 of growth. They are fine n look good.[/QUOT

Ohhh I know my shit. There is no point in 24/ get the same result from 18/6 so why do it? you can pay the electric more money? what a great plan!
Thats not true. My 24/0 veg room VS my 18/6 Veg room i will say the 24/0 get bigger. The reason is that they have 24 Hours of growing time.6 ^ hours more than my other room. so you would have to expect growth right. Most people give dark time for their own personal reason. Some say for roots, some say they NEED rest which mine don't. You need to re-learn your shit bruh. MOre light= More growth, Right? even more proof is my 12/12 from seed grow. So i am seeing 18/6, 24/0, and 12/12 from seed and 24-0 get bigger they are the same as my 12/12 but the 12/12's are under a 600, Not t-5's and cfl like my veg.


Well-Known Member
Thats not true. My 24/0 veg room VS my 18/6 Veg room i will say the 24/0 get bigger. The reason is that they have 24 Hours of growing time.6 ^ hours more than my other room. so you would have to expect growth right. Most people give dark time for their own personal reason. Some say for roots, some say they NEED rest which mine don't. You need to re-learn your shit bruh. MOre light= More growth, Right? even more proof is my 12/12 from seed grow. So i am seeing 18/6, 24/0, and 12/12 from seed and 24-0 get bigger they are the same as my 12/12 but the 12/12's are under a 600, Not t-5's and cfl like my veg.
Keep giving BS advise Bruh, You must get all your info from this forum. Maybe you should read a book by the masters and not learn from a forum of people like yourself Bruh!


Well-Known Member
How 'bout you put down your book with the bullshit in it and Expirement and learn on your own. I have been learning on my own over the years not paying attention to some book with opinions of 1 person. There are many ways to do this. But some things are WRONG, and you sir were wrong. that is whyu you couldn't reply witha educated answer and just talked shit, cuz you were wrong. Stay in your lane and grow ya wack budz.


Well-Known Member
You can't really learn from a book, you have to experience and do it on your own. I know these things because i have played with lighting setups my whole growing career. Go ask the people who wrote your books am i wrong, bet $$$ im not.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2164474View attachment 2164475 This is my current grow! Id say I know what im doing...the reason we grow indoors, is to control the envrionment. We are tring to mock what the plant is used to in nature. We can force the to flower by munipilating the light cycle. So 24 of light is something your used to? are your plants from Alaska?


Well-Known Member
So what your saying is this? when you fist start out you dont need a boook to get the basics down. You just get a seed and hope its a magic seed that will teach you how to grow it? or you learn from Rollitup? or you guess?....your a donkey dude


Well-Known Member
Something you need to know is that plants don't react and change because of Light ON time. It is the 12 hours Of darkness that makes them mature and flower indoors. So being on 24 hour light keeps them alive.
We are trying to imitate nature only to a point, affter that point we are trying to push nature by having them not just live, but thrive. Just because nature doesnt offer 24 hours of light doesn't make it beneficial. More Light= More Growth, without stress no matter what, all my veg girls are happy and flourishing under 24-0. Ive owned all the books and mags and learned many things, but nothing replaces experience. Compared to my bud, Your buds look like shyt. No trich's or anything . I can help you if you want or you can keep being a douch and read your books.


Well-Known Member
So what your saying is this? when you fist start out you dont need a boook to get the basics down. You just get a seed and hope its a magic seed that will teach you how to grow it? or you learn from Rollitup? or you guess?....your a donkey dude
I had all the books man. Those are for beginners that don't know MJ is a plant, like any other. Just gets us high.


Well-Known Member
Something you need to know is that plants don't react and change because of Light ON time. It is the 12 hours Of darkness that makes them mature and flower indoors. So being on 24 hour light keeps them alive.
We are trying to imitate nature only to a point, affter that point we are trying to push nature by having them not just live, but thrive. Just because nature doesnt offer 24 hours of light doesn't make it beneficial. More Light= More Growth, without stress no matter what, all my veg girls are happy and flourishing under 24-0. Ive owned all the books and mags and learned many things, but nothing replaces experience. Compared to my bud, Your buds look like shyt. No trich's or anything . I can help you if you want or you can keep being a douch and read your books.
My plants on day 15 of 12/12 first of all. second of all your a moron! your one of the people on here who have no life, think your a master grower/helper and the fact is you are not!..I bet you grow soil....Over 7000 posts, take a break dude! go outside for a day or 2. Fing a girlfriend...