Is my DIY drying box going to work?


Hello all, couldn't find any specific places for drying questions so thought this would make the most sense...

Made this yesterday while very stoned.. Would it work? Harvesting a small yielding plant today just before lights on at 4:20 and wanted to put it in this.

Got a dehumidifier, a small silent fan just outside the box with an intake hole, and some string to hang branches from, and the plants would be in complete darkness. There are also small holes for air flow and a bigger hole in the top as an exit hole for the air. Temps running 21-24 Celsius and RH is 45-55%.

Any advice or observations would be appreciated, thanks!

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Looks good haha but you might wana take the dehumidifier out. Once buds are in there its going to sky rocket.
I've taken the dehumidifier out and put it round the back next to the fan. Current RH is 58% and temps are 22-23 degrees. With the dehumidifier in there it seemed to reduce RH to 45-50 but the temps were raised by a couple of degrees. I guess it's a case of what's more important?!


Well-Known Member
I've taken the dehumidifier out and put it round the back next to the fan. Current RH is 58% and temps are 22-23 degrees. With the dehumidifier in there it seemed to reduce RH to 45-50 but the temps were raised by a couple of degrees. I guess it's a case of what's more important?!
LOL SORRY I though you said humidifier. I must be seeing things lol.

To answer your question both are pretty important but best cure I have done was at 50% humidity at 50 degrees F. The colder it is the more moisture can be in the air, the hotter it is the less moisture can be in the air so its kinda a give and take relationship. But the cold cure which is pretty darn fast, about 5 days till its put into jars. The reason why this is optimal is that when in a dark place at 50% humidity and 50 degrees F chlorophyll dissipates much faster which leads to a better smoke better known as the cut grass smell. But I know for most people this isnt an option.

So basically I would put back the dehumidifier and ride it out. Sorry lol me reading dehumidifier as humidifier must have confused the fuck outta you.


LOL SORRY I though you said humidifier. I must be seeing things lol.

To answer your question both are pretty important but best cure I have done was at 50% humidity at 50 degrees F. The colder it is the more moisture can be in the air, the hotter it is the less moisture can be in the air so its kinda a give and take relationship. But the cold cure which is pretty darn fast, about 5 days till its put into jars. The reason why this is optimal is that when in a dark place at 50% humidity and 50 degrees F chlorophyll dissipates much faster which leads to a better smoke better known as the cut grass smell. But I know for most people this isnt an option.

So basically I would put back the dehumidifier and ride it out. Sorry lol me reading dehumidifier as humidifier must have confused the fuck outta you.
Haha no worries mate! I'll put it back in then lol, don't think I'll be able to get temps that low as it's pretty warm in the UK right now and I'm on a third floor so it's always baking (haha) hot in here no matter what I do!
However, I did learn something from reading that post, so thanks very much


Well-Known Member
Hi, I agree with JungleTime, and that little box of yours is quite good, doesn't take. Much room, steady air flow. It should work great for small grows and you can tweet it as you go along.
Let us know how it works for you.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
It is going to stank up all of your clothes
Go to the Sally Ann and get some dummy clothes to hang in the closet. Remove your own clothes from the closet, unless they're junk anyway.

Be ready with a scented fragrance that will over power the weed odor in case of unexpected company.

I find that right after the chop is when weed smells the most. And trimming weed can get you and where you're doing it all smelly also.

Making a unit like this for curing weed is IMO a step in the correct direction, regardless of scale.


Thanks for your inputs guys, much appreciated, yeah I'm going to make a bigger, better, more stable box - that ideally will fit along the length of the closet, which means I can put shoes/clothes around it and disguise it better - as this next plant looks like she'll harvest too much to fit in this small, current box. Will make another hole for an extraction fan (probably another PC one) as it won't be stable enough for a carbon filter and proper extraction fan. Will place an Ona pro or whatever it's called by the exit hole. Not ideal I know, but I'm on the top floor and rarely allow people in my room (apart from housemates and the few people who know) because of the growing stuff so odour control isn't a massive priority for me. The stuff in there isn't' currently stinking it out though, although I may be too used to the smell now, who knows