Is my girl going hermie?


Active Member
This is a sensi star plant that was started from clone months ago. She has been in a constant 18/6 veg the whole time under T5 HO's. I have had to continually crop and prune her to keep her within the cabinet it is growing in. This morning I was chopping her down again when I noticed that the normal "hairs" looked different. I can only hope this is the just how the end of "showing sex" looks.

Can someone tell me if my plant is going hermie? Here are some pictures:

Thanks for your help!


Active Member
Looks to me your causing alot of stress to the plant if pruning all the time while your flowering ,
Also looks asthough your cutting main fan leafs


those are def pistols on the last pic. the right one has the white hairs, only they've turned brown. plants generally show their sex after 2 months continual veg lighting.
100% female
also i'd be thinking about flowering soon. while it's flowering, it'll continue to grow for a bit and u don't want to be pruning it then. look into supercropping, it'll allow u to keep the plant short while increasing the bud sites, rather than cutting them off