a plant will not grow itself to death. the thought is just silly.
if it gets "too big for it's pot" that SIMPLY means you will have to water more often. oh, and it will tip over from it's own weight.
the plant in the picture looks over watered. the leaves look "heavy" and are curled under. the lower leaves are starting to yellow and die. it needs to dry out more between waterings and it needs more nitrogen.
Agreed... I posted about this in another thread..
The plant won't tie itself up unless its lacking nutes or water.. If it doesn't have to search the pot over and over and over for food and water then there's no reason for it to tangle it's roots up around itself..
I believe I remember FDD waters his outdoor and then floods at the end of the day.. then waters next day again(or every other day).. not sure of the specifics.. my memory is off a bit..
I was getting some salt build up so I flushed mine pretty good and then reapplied ferts to get them back up to par.. and they had everything they needed again..
Overtime if you don't flush and re fert.. most just add more nutes, but eventually the plant will take up more of one element as oppose to another.. which will end up in a deficiency in one and overfeeding of the other... Feel me?
So if the plant used up 50% of the N and only 25% of the P-K
then that leaves 50-75-75.. if you dose again (lets say 100%) then we have 150-175-175
now if they used 75%-50%-50%... we are left with 75%-125%-125%....
see how easily it can get out of wack?????
By flushing all the old salts out and re ferting with fresh nutes you ensure they plant has everything it needs where it needs it.. Yeah it's a bit more waste... but worth it..
afte I flushed the salt build up and re ferted my ladies took off and filled in nicely.. I think the overdose was slowing them down but whatever.. I understand soil alot more now..
I have 1.5 Liter pots.. YES liter....
The down side to small pots are the watering times.. A bigger pot can go 3-4 days without watering..
I HAVE to water every other day so you should be ok to go to the third day with those pots.. make sure the top layer of soil is dry and you can break it up before you water(helps catch the water as oppose to it running down the side of the pot).. BUT before you see the lower half of the plant droop...
Pot size helps control plant size and stature.. Also they will fall over if they don;t have a good enough base.. I'm running into that with my biggest bitch now.. when the pot is dry it only takes a slight momentum change and she dives for the floor.. I'm glad she's almost done....
I agree about the nitro.. Although I think It might be too much.. those lower leaves look like they are starting to take from them but also it looks like the edges are burnt and the top looks darker.. but the lighting is a bit hard to tell... The claw from my experience is the beginning of nute burn.. That or low PH.
That big fan infront with the most yellow around hte edges.. is it dark brown around the edges and tips???? or just starting to yellow??
I'd say give her water the next 2 waterings and observe.. if she continues to yellow on that leaf.. give her some nutes and you know it was too low..