Is my light sufficient?


Well-Known Member
I already grow more than I need and give a good portion away. I don't know what I'd do with more weed. You can pull quite a bit from a 600 watt HPS.

But I do need some another light for other projects involving non-cannabis plants.
Leds is where its at for projects!

Im not fully switched yet and i cant say for 100% that im getting bigger yields from leds but i can say im getting the same or more from 1200w led vs 2k of hps with 200w side lighting.

I got a link for a 480w to the door for 200 bucks but im not sure that sale is still going. The one bk is talking about is a better setup at 2x 240w and his pricing is probably current.

EDIT: i better change my opinion .... they have to yield more. my last run was right at 20 watts a sq/ft, over 2ft from the canopy and did great.