Is my LST okay?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just wanting to know if I did this correctly. Does it look okay and are their any tips and hints that you would like to advise me of? I just used a bent piece of a coat hanger. Just doing it one of them to see how it goes over the next couple of weeks, then I'll decide whether or not to do the others.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Anybody? bump bump

Also I'm planning on cloning when I find out sex, will LST-ing a plant give me more tips to clone from?


Well-Known Member
the lst looks good to me, just make sure the leaves don't come into contact with the soil, it will burn them.


it looks pretty young to be lst'ing to me. i usually wait till they have another couple nodes on the main stem. but weed is tough - i'm sure your girl will be fine.


Well-Known Member
I have some update pictures here. If most of you are saying that you think it's a bit young, then would you just remove the stake from it and let it continue til it's about a foot?

I'm not sure if it's a male or female, just wanted to try the technique out. They're not feminized so I was going to try it on the one and see what happened. I'll definately take all your advice and take the stake out if that's what you think is best. Please comment and tell me what you think.

Shot these on the exact same angles as the first three earlier in the post.


bud bootlegger
i've never heard of letting them get too big before lst'ing them before.. i;m just doing my first lst job on my current crop, and what i did was plant them into those 16 oz party cups, and around the outside of the cups i put a small piece of wire around the top of the cups, and i'm using bread bag ties to affix the plant to the wire with.. so far i've got my plants about three quaters of the way around the diameter of the cups.. i'm not all that sure on if i should just keep lsting them, or once i put them into flower, should i just let them go naturally the rest of the way.. heights not that much of an issue in my grow, but i was trying to keep my canopy as even as possible..


Well-Known Member
Instead of using a set height to start LSTing on your plant, as some strains grow taller than others, I suggest, as others have suggested before, that you start to LST at the 3rd node. Once the seedling starts at the 3rd node start to bend it over to where the top node is below the bottom node that is growing. Depending on the size of your pot you'll want to bend it back down with 3 nodes in between each time you start to bend it back down. Once the seedling gets to about the 5th node the stem really starts to harden out and it makes this process a little more difficult to manage. Here's a good visual example of LST that you may or may not have already seen.

View attachment 1318332


yeah what t0rn said :)
that illustration really illustrates what you can do with LST. it also shows how each node of the plant can produce a budding branch if you train the main stem of the plant horizontally. helped me immensely when i started LST'ing.