Hi all, first of all I have to say how brilliant this community is! So much useful info all in one place.
So I am very close to starting the process of creating medicine for my nephew who has been diagnosed with cancer for the third time, this time in his neck, stomach and chest. He has had chemo each time and has beaten it but this time it has come back worse hence turning to cannabis medication.
I have done endless research on the different ways to create the extract and it seems like every way has its own risks involved so after much consideration I have decided on the method below and just want to run it by the experts before I get going.
So here we go......
1) lightly grind and decarb the bud in the oven between sheets of grease proof paper
(will double check times and duration before hand)
2) Leave to cool and grind to dust
3) load dust into extraction tube using coffee filters over the open end secured with tape/rubber bands?
(Any more secure method anyone could suggest?)
4) blast the product using DEXSO - DIMETHYL ETHER near zero impurities into a Pyrex tray
(This is one of the main things I would like advice on, does anyone know much about this product? I’ve looked into it as much as I can and sounds as though it would be a much healthier option than butane, it’s even used to collect natural oils in certain food preperation)
5) soon as the oil/dexso mix stops dripping from the extractor, move the Pyrex tray to a hot water bath for the mix to evaporate until it stops bubbling
6) collect the oil with razor blades on to grease proof paper spreading it thin and even
(the nice and messy bit!)
7) place collected oil on the g/p paper into a vacuum chamber
place chamber on a gentle heating device and turn on vacuum pump. (Not sure what to use yet as the heating device but I have my laser gun thermometer ready to make sure the oil doesn’t get to hot)
(Should have mentioned that I have made oil (BHO) before but not for medical use hence the extra precautions this time round. I’ve always purged only using heat before so from the vacuum chamber onwards it’s all new to me)
9) oil will bubble and expand which I plan on just judging by eye when to stop the pump, letting the oil decrease in size, popping the large bubbles with the tip of a razor and repeating until I am happy that I have got out every impurity that I can.
10) place final product in fridge to solidify
(I am hoping for something close to the consistency of shatter when cooled so that I can snap and weigh easily, if the final product is too soft I will most likely opt for empty capsules to easily control dosage)
11) weigh out doses that will also be left in the fridge
12) take doses as you would a tablet with ice cold water so the oil doesn’t start to liquify until it’s in the stomach
Any advice from anyone that has solid knowledge would be much appreciated, especially on the solvent (dexso) that I plan on using and anything else that I could improve to create as clean of a product as possible.
Thank you for reading.
So I am very close to starting the process of creating medicine for my nephew who has been diagnosed with cancer for the third time, this time in his neck, stomach and chest. He has had chemo each time and has beaten it but this time it has come back worse hence turning to cannabis medication.
I have done endless research on the different ways to create the extract and it seems like every way has its own risks involved so after much consideration I have decided on the method below and just want to run it by the experts before I get going.
So here we go......
1) lightly grind and decarb the bud in the oven between sheets of grease proof paper
(will double check times and duration before hand)
2) Leave to cool and grind to dust
3) load dust into extraction tube using coffee filters over the open end secured with tape/rubber bands?
(Any more secure method anyone could suggest?)
4) blast the product using DEXSO - DIMETHYL ETHER near zero impurities into a Pyrex tray
(This is one of the main things I would like advice on, does anyone know much about this product? I’ve looked into it as much as I can and sounds as though it would be a much healthier option than butane, it’s even used to collect natural oils in certain food preperation)
5) soon as the oil/dexso mix stops dripping from the extractor, move the Pyrex tray to a hot water bath for the mix to evaporate until it stops bubbling
6) collect the oil with razor blades on to grease proof paper spreading it thin and even
(the nice and messy bit!)
7) place collected oil on the g/p paper into a vacuum chamber

(Should have mentioned that I have made oil (BHO) before but not for medical use hence the extra precautions this time round. I’ve always purged only using heat before so from the vacuum chamber onwards it’s all new to me)
9) oil will bubble and expand which I plan on just judging by eye when to stop the pump, letting the oil decrease in size, popping the large bubbles with the tip of a razor and repeating until I am happy that I have got out every impurity that I can.
10) place final product in fridge to solidify
(I am hoping for something close to the consistency of shatter when cooled so that I can snap and weigh easily, if the final product is too soft I will most likely opt for empty capsules to easily control dosage)
11) weigh out doses that will also be left in the fridge
12) take doses as you would a tablet with ice cold water so the oil doesn’t start to liquify until it’s in the stomach
Any advice from anyone that has solid knowledge would be much appreciated, especially on the solvent (dexso) that I plan on using and anything else that I could improve to create as clean of a product as possible.
Thank you for reading.