is my plant a hermie? help please

ok guys just realized a few days ago what look like male bits growing on what was a female plant, i have a lowryder 2 which is about 5 and a half weeks old and ive started to notice little balls on the stem where it branches off. they are sprouting little red hairs. Can you check out the pic and tell me what you think, the plant in the pic isnt my plant, but i dont have a camera good enough to get close enough, but they look almost exactly the same on my plant.

thanks :)


Well-Known Member
rule one of cannabis growing, know wtf youre doing before you do it.

no those arent balls, balls dont shoot pistils. those are just calyxes.


Well-Known Member
Yep wat he said ^^^.Once u see a male,female,hermie u wont have this problem anymore trust me,quite easy to tell the difference.