Is my plant a MALE ??? WITH PICS

hmmm I will post pics tomorrow ... This is my first plant and it would be a heart breaker if it turned out to be male Peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i doubt its sexually mature being only 2.5 weeks old and still on a 18/6 light regiment probally just a leaf set developing or something


Active Member
You know, on second look, that really does look like it's trying to show sex. You can see the leaf stem and the branch stem coming from the node, a leaf set should not be growing there. Was this a clone or from seed? If seed, what strain?
First of all my first idea was also the same that it couldn't be maturing so fast but I had no other explanations :( It was grow from seed with germination the strain is ak-48 and it's not auto


Well-Known Member
it's a little too early to tell but you will see it either round off or shoot out white pistils in a day or two. cus it is a preflower and will tell you sex


Well-Known Member
I get preflowers as soon as they get 6 nodes, while running lights at 23/1. You have a dude there.
Well, IMHO 19 days from sprout is too early too show even pre-sexing. I am not saying it could not happen, but it seems unlikely (unless as someone mentioned it is an auto, but it is not). I would certainly give it more time especially if it is your only plant and there are no girls there to pollinate. Worth the learning experience anyway. You may want to get some fem'd seeds for the future though. Good luck!
Thanks :) I have one question ... I am growing two plants in my growbox one is a sprout and the suspicious one if it turned out to be male would it harm the other almost one week old sprout ?
It doesn't look male to me. Especially if its in 18/6. Looks more like a pistle. Best guess is its jus new growth. Wait a week into 12/12, then you'll know.


Active Member
Plants show pre-flowers in veg, so being in 18/6 doesn't matter. However, I agree with's a little early for that. Let it go another week or so and see if it's any more developed/noticeable.


Active Member
Thanks :) I have one question ... I am growing two plants in my growbox one is a sprout and the suspicious one if it turned out to be male would it harm the other almost one week old sprout ?
No. Not at the stage you are in. Keep a close eye on the plant each day and you will see the pollen sacks getting larger and larger. Over time, you will learn when the sacks are getting ready to open, but that's something you need to experience a few times to get it down. At some point you will need to remove it from the room, but it's good for the time being.