Is my plant budding?


Well-Known Member
flat white is fine but if yu want to get them done by feb 2nd well unless you can get your hands on some clones i think you will be cutting it short at least 2 weeks though the smoke will surely get you high the yeild will be half of what you could get should you let it finish those last crucial weeks, plus the buds will still look pre mature and like hairy puff balls.

back to your question though flat white is fine and as for watering etc i start them straight into cups solo size for up to a month just pick up the when its first full of dry medium and again after a heavy watering so you get a feel for the weight of it easiest way i know to judge since some plants drink at different paces different mediums etc etc . good luck
yeah thats mainly what i figured, i wanted to get some pretty potent strains that i liked for that reason and i have collected these hoping to maybe breed them. create seeds for when i move to colorado in February, transfer my license and create a strain just right for my depression, sleep and hunger problems, so the seeds are my main goal although the bud is of course the achievement.


Well-Known Member
also if your moving to col then trust and believe you wont be keeping anything you may have now. Your going to a place where it should be simple to get cuts of elite clone only strains.Why do the work when you would neer be able to search through the thousands of plants that had to be grown in order to find these special cuts.
Still by all means grow grow grow because it is like the lottery in the fact that who knows what rare phenos are to still be found.