Is my plant dead??


Well-Known Member
Well, let's eliminate the other possibilities... how frequently were you watering? If anything, it sounds as if it was too much water rather than not enough, or (as I've suggested) over-feeding. Was your soil nice and airy? Did the roots smell funky when you pulled them out of the soil? If the soil smelled rancid, then the chances are the roots were suffocated by either too much water or not enough aeration in the soil (the soil was too compact). Did you make your own soil or did you use a store bought mixture? Was there perlite in it? How frequently were you feeding? What was the daytime temp in your room? It seems extremely unlikely that you killed them with heat, unless it was truly hot in your room (like in the 90's, maybe)... they are pretty resilient little plants, and can handle quite a range of extremes.

The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking it almost must have been too much fertilizer... was the plant rootbound when you pulled it from the pot? If so, it is extremely difficult to over-water at this point (unless you are literally watering every day, and the soil is waaaay too compacted). We'll get to the bottom of this murder (I mean accident)... :)


Active Member
Well, let's eliminate the other possibilities... how frequently were you watering? If anything, it sounds as if it was too much water rather than not enough, or (as I've suggested) over-feeding. Was your soil nice and airy? Did the roots smell funky when you pulled them out of the soil? If the soil smelled rancid, then the chances are the roots were suffocated by either too much water or not enough aeration in the soil (the soil was too compact). Did you make your own soil or did you use a store bought mixture? Was there perlite in it? How frequently were you feeding? What was the daytime temp in your room? It seems extremely unlikely that you killed them with heat, unless it was truly hot in your room (like in the 90's, maybe)... they are pretty resilient little plants, and can handle quite a range of extremes.

The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking it almost must have been too much fertilizer... was the plant rootbound when you pulled it from the pot? If so, it is extremely difficult to over-water at this point (unless you are literally watering every day, and the soil is waaaay too compacted). We'll get to the bottom of this murder (I mean accident)... :)
Damn I lost my camera so i guess i have to type everything in :|

I bought ready potting soil: "A rich mix of Canadian sphagnum peat moss, PERLITE, composted organic material and lime for proper pH balance"
Nitrogen (N) - 0.08%
Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) - 0.12%
Potash (K2O) - 0.08%
I didnt put rocks on the bottom or anything like that, plus I was using pot w/o holes in the bottom (it stores water and feeds plant? bs:P) thats why I said it wasnt muddy. I watered it whenever it needed it (i was checkin weight of the pot), sometimes twice a day,sometime once every two days. I'd add All purpose Fertilizer 20-20-20 (N, P2O5, K2O) about twice a week?? I didnt check the temp, but Im 100% it wasn't too hot in there (I had 3 daylights -cold, and 2 worm lights plus the big fan running). What else... I guess soil didn't smell unusuall, although I do have to say that it seemed compacted on the top a little...
PS Thanks for taking your time to help me solve that mystery :joint::peace:


Active Member
One more thing, last few times i watered it i used Big Bud nutriens 0-15-40 (N, P2O5, K2O) and 7% Magnesium (Mg)
Plus as it turns out I am officially able to roll a joint lol