Is my plant doing okay?


heya :eyesmoke: I recently got a plant as a gift, and don't know much about it. I've been taking care of it for a week now and it still looks pretty good. It's in it's first week of flowering. picture169.jpgpicture170.jpgpicture166.jpgpicture167.jpg
It's currently in 12/12, I've been watering every 3 days or so depending on soil. The thing that concerns me is the overall shape and how the ends of the leaves are shaped. I thought maybe it's the claw, but some are bent in odd directions. If you need more info let me know!!

edit: oh, and the leaves look a bit dry, so maybe I need to raise the lights?

Rusty Trikes

Well-Known Member
I may be overlooking something here , but that plant looks damn fine to me. She could MAYBE use a little magnesium, but other than that she looks healthy. What a beautiful gift! Shes going to get twice her size in the next 2 weeks so be prepared.


Well-Known Member
I think it looks fine except for having been lollipoped. Some of the nicest buds on my plants are the bottom branches.


Thanks for reminding me, I need to find a spot to relocate her :) and sadly by the time I got it, it was already lollipopped..