Hey have been growing with no problems for a little bit now, one of my plants has a bunch of white pistols. But is doing the best out of my plants biggest strongest. Is this a sigh of a healthy plant or is it budding? And if so how do i undo that lol please let me know what you think. All opinions welcome
Yup its started. You wanna stop; put her in no less than 16 hrs per day, preferably do 20. She will reveg, and those bud sites will branch like a mofo, and will act like you topped or fimmed her. Assuming no hermaphrodite action started
So I should be leaving them in direct sunlight then using artificial lighting? Just confused as to why they started budding in first place I get plenty of light this time of year ?
Did you recently move these outside?

If you started indoors and they were used to like 16-18 hours veg and then you throw them outside even with 15 hours they might think that decrease is the trigger to start flowering. Its not really a bad thing actually... Check out "monster cropping" and what it can do for your yield. Might slow down growth for a couple weeks but will come back strong and be really bushy. Keep up with what your doing, just make sure light schedules are all set.
Did you recently move these outside?

If you started indoors and they were used to like 16-18 hours veg and then you throw them outside even with 15 hours they might think that decrease is the trigger to start flowering. Its not really a bad thing actually... Check out "monster cropping" and what it can do for your yield. Might slow down growth for a couple weeks but will come back strong and be really bushy. Keep up with what your doing, just make sure light schedules are all set.
Thats what im saying, it looks like it already went from preflower back to veg.
So I should be leaving them in direct sunlight then using artificial lighting? Just confused as to why they started budding in first place I get plenty of light this time of year ?

Have they always been just outside, or started inside? I started mine inside and take them outside during the day when the weather is nice, but because of the location not receiving enough full sun I put them back inside under hps for 24/7 light. I did have a metal halide bulb in there but I noticed the plants would droop when going from full sun to indoors, they don't appear to do that using the hps so I figure it's less stress.
So I think my problem was we had construction done our backyard and we were forced to move our plants where they lose around 4 hours of direct sunlight a day. But this was only 3 days ago.
Construction is not over but we may just move them back anyway to try and reveg. Should I still add artifical lighting or just try use the natural light with less shade and hope for the best...
Also to mention we used artifical lights at first to supplement and then took them off when light got around 14 hours a day and had no problems for over a month until recently when we moved them
I get pistols at 18/6 on mature plants/clones. Hes got pre flowers though. But once again, looks like they are back into veg to me.
I think it might have to with the swings in temp, and light timing per day. Just get rid of one of the variables. And yes looks like the start of reveg. Ive only had one herm at 16/8, it was bag seed i wanted to try once.
I have outdoor photos, some of which have begun to flower and some of which have not. They're in ~14:24 of true daylight plus another 50-55 minutes of civil twilight, so they're just showing some indifference to daylight. I'm just letting them go, because I figure they'll get at most one additional minute of daylight and then the daylight starts decreasing in the next week and a half.

Plants adapted to equatorial latitudes may not show as much sensitivity to light as those adapted to temperate latitudes. Also a sudden decrease in light can cause the plant to start flowering even if the total amount of light should keep them vegging.
Yeah, I'm coming to the conclusion that the sudden switch to the shade is what caused this. the only question is do I use supplemental lighting until construction is done 4 days. I wouldn't of thought shade did this much. Turn on lights when they're in shade? Lmk what you think
Yeah, I'm coming to the conclusion that the sudden switch to the shade is what caused this. the only question is do I use supplemental lighting until construction is done 4 days. I wouldn't of thought shade did this much. Turn on lights when they're in shade? Lmk what you think

You could try that, But the less inputs you give it the better... inconsistent lighting may cause it to turn into a hermaphrodite... Im not convinced the shade did it, But possible... How much shade are we talking? It shouldnt be dark enough if its just regular shade, But I cant say for sure... Id try to find a spot and keep them used to the natural light cycle.. I think they've already started reveg so they should be good now, you just have to wait it out. Good luck.