is my plant going hermaphrodite? harvest pics included 76g main cola!..please help!


Well-Known Member
2010-10-05 00.14.23.jpgView attachment 1206879View attachment 1206878View attachment 1206877View attachment 1206876View attachment 1206875View attachment 1206874View attachment 1206873View attachment 1206872View attachment 1206871View attachment 1206656View attachment 1206655View attachment 1206654View attachment 1206653View attachment 1206652View attachment 1206651View attachment 1206650View attachment 1206649View attachment 1206648hi guys...

Today, due to concerns about possible pollenation,......i picked my ak47 plant (from a feminized seed).......the top the main cola weighs 76 grams (freshly picked)
...( cheatin a little.... i left the 2 side branches on!!)

i noticed some plant material that seems to be a seedpod......each little Seedpod/calyx (whatever it is in the last 4 pics) has a little miniatiure seed in it....what does this it a hermie??....from the looks of the seedpod/ calyx...could it have been pollinating other plants?? i pulled the whole thing out tonight anyway...Maybe i was opening the door to often during the dark period???...

i have other plants that are developing this same type of thing....SO I DESPERATELY NEED SOME OPINIONS!!!...should i pull any plants that have this condition right away to prevent further developement of seeds??

i have included pics...please help me to identify what has happened here??

thanks again....soon i will have a harvest to show you guys,,...and i will include wet and dry weights,....and include my journal notes!!

thanks guys....(and gals):-P


Active Member
No panic it's perfectly natural. These develope at nodes as the plant shows it's maturity and sex. They are NOT seed pods. :D
Shame you cropped early.


Well-Known Member
yeah its too bad those are just more calyxs (sp), great looking bud though and nice top cola.


Well-Known Member
If it was a hermie at that time you already had some seeds showing up.. Anyway, it's a girl.. =D


Well-Known Member
awesome,...thanks guys....i know its too late for this plant ( she was 54 days into bud anyway...she just coulda used a lil more)

the good news is that now i wont go and pull out the other ones when the calyx's swell!! thanks....leon