Is My Plant Growing Too Short? Leaves are Growing Straight Up


Okay so my plant is about 20 days old and it seems to be growing kind of slowly but that's okay it doesn't really bother me but now my leaves are growing straight up cause I don't think they have room to grow out is this bad or ok?

The plant is at it's 3rd node and I think it's the 4th that doesnt have room to grow. Other then that does my plant look healthy?

Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
it looks like the top ones that are growing straight up will eventually grow outwards like the ones below, its just because they are still growing and arnt full leafs yet,


I am not sure what it is at all this is my first grow ever it's bagseed I started it in my stealth pc grow box that I made but figured it would get way too big so I built a 1.5x1.5x4 cabinet which I'm using now and eventually will use the pc box to keep a small mother plant.

Glad it looks healthy I just transplanted yesterday cause my roots were already coming out the bottom and had no stress it actually grew quite a bit overnight so maybe it will speed up now lol

Thanks for all the help guys


Active Member
looks perfectly healthy. IMO i think it is growing slower because of the small light and your growing in soil. Soil takes longer than hydro and seems like most people these days are doing hydro.


Well-Known Member
Nodes are really close together which is good. The green near the top is good. Tells us that's healthy. The pointed leaves don't really mean anything, that's just how its growing. No worries there. There is a little bit of yellowing on the bottom leaves, so you might want to think about adding more nitrogen - not to much though. Moving the plant into a new container was a smart move, because I do think it was the container that was stunting its growth. You didn't mention what size container it got moved into, but I'd try and put it into a 3 or 5 gallon or go ahead and start hardening it off if you plan on putting it outside.


looks perfectly healthy. IMO i think it is growing slower because of the small light and your growing in soil. Soil takes longer than hydro and seems like most people these days are doing hydro.
I am using a 105w 6400k 10,700 lumens I also have same bulb 2700k I am adding a 9watt 660nm(red) led and a 9watt 470nm(blue) led light do you think it will be enough?*

Now since I transplanted it has really started to take off check out the pic of it now from the time of my first post to now is this a "normal" or decent amount of growth?

I also built a hydro set up already but I am too sketch about transferring from soil to hydroton I don't wanna fuck the roots up and this is my first grow so my next one I will be using hydro.*

Thanks +rep

Nodes are really close together which is good. The green near the top is good. Tells us that's healthy. The pointed leaves don't really mean anything, that's just how its growing. No worries there. There is a little bit of yellowing on the bottom leaves, so you might want to think about adding more nitrogen - not to much though. Moving the plant into a new container was a smart move, because I do think it was the container that was stunting its growth. You didn't mention what size container it got moved into, but I'd try and put it into a 3 or 5 gallon or go ahead and start hardening it off if you plan on putting it outside.
Yeah it's in a 3 gallon right now hooefully won't have to transplant again lol the only nutrients I have is general hydroponics flora bloom but I haven't been using it yet was going to use it when budding would it still work while vegging? Also how much longer would you estimate until I should start flowering? I have about 3 feet for the plant to grow

Thanks for the help +rep
That's how it always starts, next thing you know you're renting a bobcat....
Hahahaha yeah man that's what I fear I am the type of person who lives by go big or go home luckily I am just learning right now but I have no doubt that it will slowly get bigger and bigger lol



Well-Known Member
Ive been growing for 20+ years and let me tell you, that is one fine specimen of a plant you got going there. Nice tight nodes, perfect leaf formation and brilliant color. I just hope it turns out female. If not at least you got your feet wet and learned the basics of germ/seedlings.

Flowering will often double the size of your plant or more, and you can flower anytime after the nodes begin to alternate (staggered nodes vs pairs growing parallel). So if you have 3 feet headroom, flower @ 15 inches to be safe. Better to have a fully flowered plant with 1 ounce vs a partialy flowered plant with 3. ( you'd never get 3 ounces off a plant that wasnt fully flowered unless it was 8 foot plus lol...but you get my drift)


Ive been growing for 20+ years and let me tell you, that is one fine specimen of a plant you got going there. Nice tight nodes, perfect leaf formation and brilliant color. I just hope it turns out female. If not at least you got your feet wet and learned the basics of germ/seedlings.

Flowering will often double the size of your plant or more, and you can flower anytime after the nodes begin to alternate (staggered nodes vs pairs growing parallel). So if you have 3 feet headroom, flower @ 15 inches to be safe. Better to have a fully flowered plant with 1 ounce vs a partialy flowered plant with 3. ( you'd never get 3 ounces off a plant that wasnt fully flowered unless it was 8 foot plus lol...but you get my drift)
Thanks a lot dude you don't know how happy it made me to hear that lol

Definitely hoping for a female but if not I think I'll test out the male in my bubbleponics to see if it works or kills it.


Active Member
I dislike how you click a button on this forum and everything I just spent half an hour typing is gone so here is the quickness. Wouldn't use Bloom untill Bloom. Doesn't have the N needed for veg growth. Also I didn't know you could use General Hydroponics in soil. Thought it had to have soil directions on the bottle for it to be used in soil.