Is my plant healthy? Bright green leaf tips?


Active Member
Clearly the soil I'm using is too hot. I once watered with 1/4th strength kelp (Grow More sea weed extract .1/.1/ 1.5) and the plant burned. Been watering with plain water since always PHed to 6.5. Since the burning has slowed down a lot, but after watering two days ago I'm still noticing a tiny bit of burn occurring and also the leafs are canoeing (rolling up) today.

Is it possible to find out just WHAT my plant is getting too much of?

Temp is 75 day/69 night, humidity is 40% day 50% night, 60% on nights when it's just been watered.

Here's a day-by-day album starting the day before I watered with kelp till now, with the last pic being a close up of the leaf tip where you can see a tiny bit of burn on the tips of the side of the leaf.


Well-Known Member
This pictures showes light nuts burn, norhing to worry about.
When my plants do this I know that this is my limit with feeding.

I wouldnt flush nor decrease the fooding.

I would wait two days and give again the same amount of nuts (push them).
If its heavy nut burn its something ealse.

I dont see any leaves tips roling up, of this is the case then they are praying asking for magnisum.

Hope this helps
