is my plant sick ?

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I have 3 seedlings bout a week old, all have their first 2 real leaves grown in. One of the plants has a purplish redish stem, and the veins on the leaves are darker then the others. It also seems like there's some purple spreading on the leaves from the stem out. They are under 2 200 watt cfl equivalents with a fan going. There in organic soil and given tap water.I don't have a ph meter, so I don't know its ph. Could this be caused by the ph? Or something else? Can it be genetics?


Well-Known Member
That soil looks kind of funky. What is it? I would add some perlite to the mix to lighten it up a bit. Is it city water with chlorine? Or well water?
Ph is VERY important. Invest in a PH meter. They look ok to me but you will have a better idea as they grow more sets of leaves.
Its just an all organic soil i had, i do plan on buying some better soil when i transplant. I currently have a heat lamp on the plant since it is pretty cold, but i dont know the exact temperature.
The soil says it contains sphagnum peat moss , composted bark and pasteurized poultry litter. Im not quite sure how good it is for the plant, but the other two plants seem to be doing fine in it. And it is city water but i have been letting the water sit for 24 hrs. Before giving it to the plants, which i read is suppose to get rid of any chlorine. I do not know how much chloriine is in the water though.
she looks fine to me. just make sure that when you transplant make sure your putting her in some good soil. get fox farms ocean forest or roots organics which is what im using at the moment, works just fine. the point of switching to one of these soils is that they contain good amounts of nutrients and will help give your plant a better and lighter shade of green. with that being said the purple may start to go away and your plant will become healthier than it is now. hope this helps somewhat good luck.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Looks fine too me. Treat it the same as the rest for another week before making any changes. Its just a seedling. At this point the purple is nothing to worry 5 days or so and I bet it will be just fine. Probably just a bit of a different pheno.
Plan on doin a bit of weedin :) thankss for the help, now i know its not a big deal, but ill still look into that ph meter..