Is my plant stretching


Well-Known Member
Yeah mh is better than cfl for veg. I originally was gunna go with a CFL grow but i shelled out the money for HID lighting and returned the CFLs to home depot anywho does my current arrngement look alright


Well-Known Member
How close should I get the light since there seedlings. I mean I can get it REALLY close and it still wont be hot enough to burn them but i hear to much light bad for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
I have the 400 watt 15 inches away, keep in mind these are under a week old. Is this to much?


Well-Known Member
Start lowering the light 2-6 inches a day until it is comfortable...You may have to use straws cut in half to support them, get a slight fan breeze on them to start strengthening that stem.


Well-Known Member
That doesnt address my question. I can move it plenty low and still have it be 'comfortable' im asking how much is TO much light for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Jesus I apreciate people reading the original post and replying but ive already figured that can someone address my current question a few posts above..


Well-Known Member
Jesus I apreciate people reading the original post and replying but ive already figured that can someone address my current question a few posts above..
I read your original quote, there is no specific height.....You need to adjust your light to your plant accordingly. Every plant has different genetics that allow it to sustain certain parameters, some can thrive is warmer humid climates, some more frigid and arid. If you start you light at about 18-24" and lower it daily it will acclimate to the conditions. No a 400W is not to much, you just have to make sure that it doesn't get to hot inside of your tent!


Well-Known Member
My temps are great but it seems like the light might be a little to much at the moment they're sort of losing color. I've read alot of posts from people saying having there mh to close stunted growth so i moved my light back up a bit. I'd rather deal with some stretching than stunted growth.

It's at like exactly 18 inches right now, I apreciate the help by the way sorry if I came off rude at all


Well-Known Member
My temps are great but it seems like the light might be a little to much at the moment they're sort of losing color. I've read alot of posts from people saying having there mh to close stunted growth so i moved my light back up a bit. I'd rather deal with some stretching than stunted growth.

It's at like exactly 18 inches right now, I apreciate the help by the way sorry if I came off rude at all
What are all your specifics?

Res Temp
Room Temp
Relative Humidity


Well-Known Member
Roots havnt even reached the res so most of that is ilrelevent.

Check my grow journal in my signature.


Active Member
Em, sorry i haven't read the whole thread... But the amount of stretching that I see is minimal.. One of my babies stretched twice that far and she's doing awesome. Since your little guy is not stretching that much I wouldn't take any drastic measures. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Em, sorry i haven't read the whole thread... But the amount of stretching that I see is minimal.. One of my babies stretched twice that far and she's doing awesome. Since your little guy is not stretching that much I wouldn't take any drastic measures. Just my 2 cents.
Yeah thats what im kinda thinking. I'd rather have a bit of stretching then fuck up the grow


Active Member
Yeah thats what im kinda thinking. I'd rather have a bit of stretching then fuck up the grow
Ok, well then what I'd do is leave everything as it is.. for now. If it continues to stretch, then start messing with the light distance. Otherwise I'm hoping your baby will have just stretched enough and now she's comfortable with the light intensity.
Have fun growing!


Active Member
To late now
Eck, that's the problem with forums sometimes.. You'll get lots of diff advice from well-meaning folks that might nessecarily be good for your plant in your particular instance.
Grow Mo is right though, burying the stem just slows the growth unnessecarily by forcing it to use most of it's energy to build a bigger root system. I don't think it needs a bigger root system right now, because it didn't stretch that much.
But ah well. Should be fine. You might just have to wait a little longer to switch it to the flowering cycle.
Keep us posted on your baby =)