Is my plant way too small for being 2 weeks old?


Active Member
Hey guys, first time grower and I'm using some mystery seeds, growing outdoors on my porch with plenty of sunlight (although not for the past 3 days as it's been raining non stop).

This one is 2 weeks old, and when I compare it to other photos and videos of plants this age, this seems to be smaller than any I've found. On the other hand the leaves themselves appear to be healthy so I'm not sure if I should be worried or not.

For the time being I've had them in these dixie cups with Jungle Growth Moisture Wise potting mix.

Pics are enclosed... Thanks!



Well-Known Member
looks like a 2 week old pot plant to me.. a little stretched, but it looks like a window sill grow, and that too is to be expected.. good job!


They all grow at diffeent sizes. I have a 1 month plant that is as tall as my 6 week plants. looking healthy I woldnt be worried Once they start branching out and leafing at many spots it will take off. Keep us posted


Active Member
Thanks, well that's good to hear... I've seen the term "stretched" around but not sure what it means. Could you elaborate please?


Active Member
Means ur shit is lookin for lights so its stretching taller....there lookin at u like" piece of shit!..why grow me if you aint got tha lights 4 me?"


Active Member
Also, just to clarify it's out on my porch, which is basically a large space enclosed by a giant screen, so it's better than a window sill grow... With the position of our house and the trees in the back yard it still usually gets at least 4 hours of direct sunlight. Don't know if that changes your thoughts but I just wanted to be thorough.


Active Member
Ok, I thought that should only be a problem if I was growing indoors. It's right in the sunlight, gets at least 4 or 5 hours on direct sunlight on most days, although not for the past three or four as it's been rainy/cloudy non-stop. Should I have that problem with it in the sun?


Well-Known Member
by "window sill grow" I am referring to the fact you are setting it out in the sunlight as opposed to under a controlled light source in a grow room. Not that you put it on the window sill or porch or your front lawn.. no need to defend it, as I wasn't insulting it.. I just said it looks stretched, which means that it has literally stretched out looking for light. If you were to grow under artificial light, you can keep the light source closer and the space between branches wouldn't be as far apart.

but again, if you grow under natural lighting conditions, it's expected that your plant is going to grow out to search for light... so it looks like it should look at 2 weeks old, under the conditions it's growing in.. see what I mean? You're doing good with it. what are your plans for it?


Active Member
Hey, sorry if I came off defensive, I really didn't take any offense...

I have three others that are all within a week to a week and a half old and seem healthy. The plan is to convert them to five gallon pots and keep them out here and if I have more than two that turn out to be female I'm going to transplant one to a neighbors yard who has given me the ok to do so (there's is way larger and more enclosed than ours, but with good light)... Other than that I don't have too many fancy plans, when I convert them to the 5 gallon pots I'll start giving them some MG for tomato plants. I know MG is frowned upon by some people on this board but I have friends who've had success with it and I don't have much money to get a great deal of stuff and or experiment... Any suggestions?


I would think the 4 hrs light explains why it's smaller. More direct light equals more growth. However I wouldn't consider this plant "way to small". Maybe a smaller plant it's whole live. Also you started a little late in the season in my opinion. I wouldn't expect a big yield from this plant, but it should grow fine.


Well-Known Member
It's all good!

I have heard it's frowned upon too, but I have also heard people saying they use it and it's ok.. I am a big supporter of "try it for yourself" cause some shit just works for some, and not for others.

Are you keeping them in pots for the whole grow outside? I've seen pics of people that do that, but the ones I have seen have been in BIG pots.
I grow inside, in a hydro set up.. and not too sure on all the in's and out's of soil, but your plant's size is directly tied to the size of it's root system... a bigger pot, produces a bigger plant.

So I guess the only suggestion I would make is to double check with some more seasoned outdoor growers and find out what you can expect from a 5 gallon pot.. might be the perfect size, I don't know..but if they say that's too small then at least you'll know ahead of time... I use 6" net pots lol so that's not going to help you..


Active Member
Well my understanding is that with potted plants you generally have the potential of a foot per gallon so I'm thinking the five gallon pots should work ok. I will double check though.


Active Member
Yeah, that occurred to me about the late season thing, and I'll be starting a new batch in a few weeks when I receive better seeds. If I only had a time machine, right?... Anyhow I'm in florida so we get strong sun well into the fall, I'm hoping the timing thing doesn't give me too crappy of a yield this time around.


Well-Known Member
hey, you may be right! I just know that outdoor plants can get huge.. keep us updated on how they progress!


Well-Known Member
these pics are of my window sill grown plants at 11 days old ( yesterday ) i have bought a 125w cfl lamp and will be putting them under it later this week when it arrives.

my plants look not far off the size of yours so it looks normal to me. also i am growing in the uk where the sun is not as strong average summer temp where i am is 18'c so not the best conditions but they seem to be doing ok apart from a bit of stetching which i have now fixed by re-planting today.

hope all goes well for u



Active Member
Thanks for posting, it's good to compare... So you're going to move it from the sill to somewhere with a lamp or you're going to alternate between lamp and sunlight?


Well-Known Member
im going to move them into a cabinet with cfl lights and keep them in there on a 18/6 light period for a few weeks till flowering.
this is my 1st attempt at growing so i'm just finding my feet but hopefully will get a decent result in the end.