Is my seedling alright?

My first grow. Strain is LSD from Barney's seeds. 10 days since it has sprouted from the soil. I've probably stressed this poor thing out in the very beginning, so I want to see if there's any corrections I need to make.

Here's what I've done so far:
1. After germinating I planted her in a 3 gallon fabric pot with happy frog soil. (Should have started out in a solo cup with different soil and then transplanted into the bigger pot with happy frog).

2. For the first couple of waters I used tap water pH at around 7.5 but switched to filtered water and added lemon juice to bring pH down to 6.3/6.5. I checked the filter and it says that it filters out chlorine but leaves the beneficial minerals.

3. Temps stayed in the 75-79° range during the day and around 70-71° at night.

4. Humidity for the first week was too low, lingered in the upper forties. I used a make shift humidity dome for the first few days. I now have a humidifier that keeps the tent around 70% during the day and 60% or so at night.

5. I have a vivosun 200watt LED at a height of 30" from the top of the plant dimmed to 45%

What I notice:
1. Leaves are sort of twisting a bit with very very slightly burnt tips.
2. The green is looking a little pale?? With some weird tan colored lines/spots throughout.
3. She's been growing every day.

Is it the soil, did the low humidity levels for an entire week dry her out, did the wacky pH tap water do something, help???

I believe I have the environment dialed in now and has been for the past two days. Should I give it a few days to see if anything changes?
Thanks, I appreciate it. I think I was an overbearing, overly excited plant parent so I'm trying to relax and chill out. 20240101_160918.jpg
Stop giving “ special “ water … just a small amount of tap water as necessary. Zero need to do lemon drops or whatever , it’s a plant , nothing more.

This is where new growers make mistakes , adding this and that from the start. Just let the plant find its way without much input.
If your medium is nute charged ( check label ) that will feed it for a bit.
looks good bro.
good advice from the buddha.
Its much easier to start simple with basic essential nutrients. You will learn to add things if and when necessary.
starting with 10 bottles of magic syrup you have no baseline and no idea what the hell is doing what and why.