Is my seedling doing okay? /:


Well-Known Member
look ok to me, tho a bit light green ? what kind of soil do you use ? and what is the PH of it and the water you provide it ? (please say between 6 and 7)

and a bit small for its ages, what kind of light do you use ? and how close do you keep it ?

need more info to give good advice please ..
Perfectly normal, looks a little yellow is it your lighting in the picture or is your little guy not getting enough light?
look ok to me, tho a bit light green ? what kind of soil do you use ? and what is the PH of it and the water you provide it ? (please say between 6 and 7)

and a bit small for its ages, what kind of light do you use ? and how close do you keep it ?

need more info to give good advice please ..
its darker in person, i think it just looks like that because of my phone. i used miracle grow soil, and the ph is 6.4. it has 2 26w cfls.. i keep them really close, just above the leaves.


look ok to me, tho a bit light green ? what kind of soil do you use ? and what is the PH of it and the water you provide it ? (please say between 6 and 7)

and a bit small for its ages, what kind of light do you use ? and how close do you keep it ?

need more info to give good advice please ..
​why counldn't it just be distilled ?


Well-Known Member
wold two more of the same lights be okay?
sure, the more the better, but when flowering you need a lot more and in a lower Kelvin (warm color) 2700K will work, in your case if you plan just to use CLFs I would get 4 of them warm white (2700K) and add two now and two more in flowering or even better get a small HPS for flowering ..