Is my seedling healthy?


Hey guys

So this is my first time ever growing, i've researched a bunch before hand and I know a couple friends who have successfully grown. So i'm not going into this completely blind. I just decided to make this account to get input from a variety of people

This has been the 2nd day since my seedlings have sprouted I just want input on how you guys think they look, if the colour seems good and what steps I should take with these plants.

I have a very minimalist set up so no humidity gauge or temp gauge, just the necessary lights and a fan. Weather here is fairly warm so i'm not too worried about a heater.

At this stage should the environment be fairly humid or dry?
And is it alright to have the soil fairly damp throughout the entire cup?

Sorry for the story, I just want my babies to be the best they can be haha.


Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
They look like normal 2 day old seedlings; nothing notable to say about them. Just a few pointers here:
Temps are more important than you might think especially during flower stage but you've got plenty of time to acquire a cheap thermometer and hygrometer which is always a good idea to have in your grow area; minimalist or not. Temps over 85 are detrimental to trichome development. Plant material can increase relative humidity indoors but these tiny seedlings won't have much of an effect until they get larger.
A simple tip to keep from overwatering your seedlings is to water with a hand mister until they get a few nodes. You want the soil to stay damp but not soaking wet; sort of like a wrung out sponge. It's better to water lightly & more often than it is to water heavily and wait several days to water again. They won't need anything but water for a few weeks.


They look like normal 2 day old seedlings; nothing notable to say about them. Just a few pointers here:
Temps are more important than you might think especially during flower stage but you've got plenty of time to acquire a cheap thermometer and hygrometer which is always a good idea to have in your grow area; minimalist or not. Temps over 85 are detrimental to trichome development. Plant material can increase relative humidity indoors but these tiny seedlings won't have much of an effect until they get larger.
A simple tip to keep from overwatering your seedlings is to water with a hand mister until they get a few nodes. You want the soil to stay damp but not soaking wet; sort of like a wrung out sponge. It's better to water lightly & more often than it is to water heavily and wait several days to water again. They won't need anything but water for a few weeks.
Alright good to know, thank you very much sir
I'll definitely invest in a thermometer and the hygrometer to keep them at optimal temp and humidity