Hey guys I have a 12 day old (12 days since it breached soil) seedling it’s an auto flower from seed stockers and I want to know if I over watered it also if the plant is supposed to be this small at this age. Starting with the overwatering I watered with ph’d distilled water for 11 days then yesterday I put a very light dose of nutrients in the water and watered the plant I’m growing in 70/30 coco pearlite mix with fabric pots using a 600w LED BLURPLE light on a 20/4 schedule. The plant looks very droopy and slightly yellow I did take these pics after the lights went off in my tent I am a brand new grower so I can’t really tell if they are over watered or if it’s something else or normal. Also the size of the plant concerns me is that a normal size for a plant of that age I feel like it should be bigger any help is greatly appreciated