Is my stealing justified?

been to jail once.. only for 4 days.. but still.. I don't fancy on going back... whatev though.. I tried to lay shit in the open but just got torn up so fuck it...

not a theif, but I will take Mane's advise though and just take back all of it and tell her she can either smoke it with and I'll keep it or if she wants her personal bud I'll sell her some....
1. You already smoked it.
2. Youre an ungreatful p.o.s.
3. I hope she finds out about it and kicks your ass to the curb.
1. Going thru a womans stuff is completely wrong in the first place.
2. Stealing weed, that someone paid for, completely wrong.
3. Get a job. Even if it's not something you like, part time or something, it's money.

i'm not going to flame you, it's just disrespectful going through peoples stuff..
You're a jerk. She goes to work, you stay in her home, pilfer through her possessions, steal her weed and then claim you're right. When she calls you out you'll probably even seek revenge. It's time for you to get real.
this is yourquote" anyways.... so she buys weed... and get this... everyday when she goes to work she HIDES the shit because she is under the distinct impression that I'll take and smoke it all... which is fuckin' BS because I got me some Swisher Sweet mini cigars which get me through the day just fine...... and even though supposedly we always "smoke together"... I've walked in her room before and it smells HARD of some serious dank sometimes, so I KNOW... not to mention the GF has told me too, that she smokes big ass fatties by her fuckin' self.... which.. pisses me off...
end quote " she buys weed
Lol, why's you let her confiscate your weed? And you're mad bbecause she didn't pay for the trip so you could come live with her?

no no i could give a rats about the 600 i forked to get here... what pisses me off is that she pays rent... and... that's it.... I let her take the weed because she's one of those anything pisses her off and she'll threaten to kick you out type... so course when she says she'd rather have it than me I figure what the fuck why not, take it I bought it for us anyways. (avoiding confrontation).... what pisses me off is that she HIDES the weed from me.... then smokes it..... and all I did was take a little bud... *sigh*.... call me theif or whatev but I dunno....

I would agree.... i honestly would... if I had no money, if she paid for everything... if she paid for the weed.... and I just went and jacked it... i agree that's fucked to the 3rd degree... but just me jackin' a little of my own bud.... hmmm....

I'm greatful she lets me live with her and my GF.. really I am... I'm greatful for everything she does... but that doesn't alter the fact that the weed I buy we're supposed to smoke together she hides and smokes under the table....
this is yourquote" anyways.... so she buys weed... and get this... everyday when she goes to work she HIDES the shit because she is under the distinct impression that I'll take and smoke it all... which is fuckin' BS because I got me some Swisher Sweet mini cigars which get me through the day just fine...... and even though supposedly we always "smoke together"... I've walked in her room before and it smells HARD of some serious dank sometimes, so I KNOW... not to mention the GF has told me too, that she smokes big ass fatties by her fuckin' self.... which.. pisses me off...
end quote " she buys weed

other quote from me.. "she's paid for 20 maybe 40 of the tons we've smoked"
i smoke alot of poeple out if i offer 2 smoke u out doesnt mean u owe me anything unless we had an agreement i smoke 1 u smoke 1 still u took her weed some day i hope u get jacked you will understand then
ok... should I add the part where um.... *I* pay for it too morons?.... for the better part of this ladies life she's lived off of the fucking system.... and zero money for gas to even fucking rive herself from Washington down to Texas had to use my 600 grad cash.... the only she even has a job is cuz her sister helped her... and the only reason she has weed is cuz of the cash I still have banked and she hasn't fucking sucked from me yet....



piss off... yeah... she's paid for maybe 20 or 40 out of the tons we've smoked... miss the part where I said all she pays for is rent, huh?

you asked for our opinions...
Another thread where it's easy to spot the children on the site .

Jesus kid,even if your balls just dropped last week atleast try to act like an adult,be happy you have a place to live & act appreciative of the persons privacy in the home where you flap out.
I mean it don't even matter bruh if it was ya smoke, I wouldn't let her have it for shit.

My $ my work I keep it, no matter what the situation.

Go talk to her seriously, going through her shit won't cool, you coulda just been like give me my work. If it is ya work can't nobody make you fork it over.
if she is hiding your weed then smokin your weed behind your back under the pretense that she doesnt then yea shes a thief also. Thats like not passing the joint or taking bong rips wen its not ur turn. not cool. but u shouldnt steal it back just be like hey i think we should buy together so we get quantity discount but divide it in half or lets keep it in a neutral location.
Lol this is the funniest post ive read so far on RIU, but seriously do you have to destroy this guy? im sure we have all made mistakes at some point, and im sure he realises hes made a misstake also, but any need for a public stoning?
Lol this is the funniest post ive read so far on RIU, but seriously do you have to destroy this guy? im sure we have all made mistakes at some point, and im sure he realises hes made a misstake also, but any need for a public stoning?
He asked for it.
And whats funny is he changed his story around after he realized that he looked like a total loser.
Sittn at someone elses home, as an adult, smokin his swishas and diggin thru a grown ass woman who is payin his ways shit. Then, gettin pissed when people have a nego reaction to it. Stoning, yes. I was just puttin myself in that ladies position thinking about what itd be like to have some kid diggin thru my room.

Eff that.
I'm totally confused about the whole situation. Are you paying rent? If not, you need to start paying half of the rent and utilities and keeping your weed separate from hers. When, and, if you or her want to share then you share. Other than that keep it separate and start paying half of all the monthly bills, including food. Problem solved.
You keep your weed to yourself and she does the same.