Is my urine diluted? (Drug test)


New Member
Soo I took a drug test today and my urine came out very clear. I drunk a small bottle of gatorade and a bottle of water (20 ounces) an hour before the test. When I arrived I had to pee extremely bad and couldn't hold It so I used the bathroom before checking in. It looked as if I was pissing straight water. Then 30 minutes later, I took my test and my pee still came out pretty clear. Can clear urine still pass a drug test? I haven't smoked in 35 days btw but I was drinking water just to be safe. Thank you!
That's what drug tests are for
Are we supposed to eyeball your piss?

Seriously though, dilute piss can be considered a fail,
Or not.

We have no idea.

Is my poop the right color?
Kind of light brown almost pale
I went and took drug test to but I drank a pot of coffee and a Gatorade with plenty of creatine mixed in the night before I done the same but with water I was wondering if this will mess with creatanine levels or not or specific gravity as they say thanks
took drug test drank a pot of coffee and a Gatorade loaded with creatine 100% mixed in its been a while since I smoked and have been detoxing every day the night before I drank water with creatine loaded and b12 some niacin took my prescription meds that morning urine was still sort of clear that morning but I pissed like fifty times before test any comments