Is Obama competent?

Just what I thought all talk /fantasy.. :sleep:
And no one is as stupid as you. Follow the direction first before you start acting like you know everythign and that 'everything thing I think is fact' when in real life you are just plain stupid.

Never again will I respond to anything you say or write.
You don't even think you are worth it- so why should I?

Dumb, ta dumb, dumb .... dumb as dumb ones cum!

(Theme from Dragnet for those of us from the 50's and 60's)

Cloud City

New Member
And no one is as stupid as you. Follow the direction first before you start acting like you know everythign and that 'everything thing I think is fact' when in real life you are just plain stupid.

Never again will I respond to anything you say or write.
You don't even think you are worth it- so why should I?

Dumb, ta dumb, dumb .... dumb as dumb ones cum!

(Theme from Dragnet for those of us from the 50's and 60's)

Does this mean you don't want to have the teaparty anymore?

Obama Santa

New Member
Man my wife has a mouth on her. Where I come from you could get shot for saying what she said above.
{Is she usually kind? Or is she like what I read today?]

Justine's' husband.

One quick thing, she is right about most of you. I just don't like the nastiness and mean-spiritedness coming from her.
She's so cool and calm normally. A good Christian woman. She is so very cool and understanding.
That's what gives me pause, tonight, as I read whats been written by her.

Be leberal. Be conservative!

But always listen and learn!
Reserve the RIGHT TO BE WRONG ! But don't support a wrong that's made to look right.

That's all you'll ever get from me.

Forgive my wife. She gets like this every now and then.

Do you have any pics of your wife you can post?


New Member
This is right out of the highly sought after "liberal debate techniques of the 21st century" book.

Classic drivel....


New Member
Yeah it's an interesting twist. Since he created an alias closely matching mine, he actually posts comments that could have come from me. Except for the religious stuff and asking for photosl

Cloud City

New Member
The message above was posted by the douchebag, Cloud City. The Real ObamaSanta does not endorse any statement made by this treasonous mutt.

Pardon me?? You seem to be either confused and angry about something. Either way, troll, I'd appreciate if you leave me outta your paranoid schizo fantasies.