Is one 18in fluorescent enough for a couple seedlings ???


Active Member
Is one 18in T8 6500k fluorescent bulb enough to grow a couple healthy seedlings for the 4 weeks b4 they're ready to veg???
or do they need more light??
like would 2 of those be better?? alot better??
or what do i need to grow a couple of the healthiest seedlings lightwise??

is 1 or 2 18in fluorescents sufficient lighting for clones in the future??

thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
IMO I think they should be fine, idealy you would want MH or HPS. I used HPS for my whole veg cycle and the plants seem to just love every bit of it. I also use 2 CFL's for my clones so I think you should be good.


New Member
i got the 18 inch fluro's and they work fine , i dont know what the hell that guy is talking about , saying it will stretch . mine look pretty healthy . do it bro , do what you do .


Well-Known Member
so mh lamp would be better for baby seedlings???
No - while MH is better for vegging, it is NOT better for seedlings - that fluoro tube will be fine for the first weeks of it's life. What Miggy said is correct - the tubes will help keep your seedling from stretching because you can place it so close. (Within two inches). After that point, however, you'll definately want more light - if you have an MH that would be the time to use it, or invest in some additional lighting. Rule of thumb is you want a minimum of 3000 lumens per square foot, 5000 lumens per square foot recommended.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings and a 1month plant are not the same thing, which is what the hell I'm talking about. A T12 18" unit puts out under 1000lumens, and has the PAR ratings of a typical Floro which would 100% make a plant stretch after its a week or two old.