Is one of my nutes causing my PH to rise in my res? (Canna, Roots Excel, Great White)


Well-Known Member
Hey there,

I run a RTW coco coir setup, and have a res where i keep water for my irrigation setup.

Room temp is 62-68, nutes used:

Canna Coco A/B (Using COCO on RTW)
H&G Roots Excelerator
Great White Beneficial Bacteria

I mix everything together in 4-5 gallon batches in RO water, and then ph to 5.8. There is no air stone, or recirc pump in the res, i just mix it up manually couple times a day.

By the next day,ph will be at 6.3 or so! I even came home today, checked PH and adjusted it to 5.8-5.9 and 3-4 hrs later it was up to 6.2.

My speculationis that the Great White is messing with the PH, any help?


Well-Known Member
The cause of your pH increase is exposure to ambient Co2 in the atmosphere. Totally normal, and unfortunately, one of those nagging issues that keeps so many of us unable to leave our hydro setups after making up a new batch of nutrient solution. After 2-3 days, it should stabilize though. Btw, the Great White has expensive, beneficial bacterias in it that NEED an oxygenated solution, so I'd add an air stone to the solution, otherwise that stuff will die much faster, and it will be money down the drain.