Is opening the grow tent several times a day a bad thing?


I am a first time grower with a 3x2 grow tent in my garage. I just got 2 clones yesterday and a had a few questions. I am using happy frog soil. Do I need to soak the soil with water or anything after moving the clone into the pot? The gro-cube was still very wet when I planted them. I am worried about over watering so I only put a little bit after I moved them.

Is it bad to check on the plants several times a day? I know not to disturb them at all when the lights are off. I am on 24 hour veg right now so that is not a problem. My garage is also my Man Cave and where I smoke and since I am out there every hour or 2 I have been checking on the plants almost every time I go out. I hope its not a bad thing and disturbing the cycle at all. I just love to look at em.

My last question, is it ok to have a Hot Shot no pest strip hanging in the tent?

Thanks for taking the time to read and/or reply.

Check out my Journal to see my setup.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the club and good luck growing.

No you don't need to soak the soil but a light watering is good. Go get a plant moisture meter at wallmart for 3$ to be sure.

You can look in any time it is lights on. I would suggest you give your baby's at least 4 hr dark so so they have a reset time.

Yep pest strip is a good idea,


Well-Known Member
First off get the hot shot out of your tent. The vapors it puts off are toxic on ingested foods and hurbs. And your trapping them with it.

Soil should be watered when transplanted. Just water and to the point it comes out the bottom. Then let dry for a day or3 and water. As for the opening of the tent it won't really hurt anything. But if you smoke in there all that is going in the tent. Also the more you open it the more you open it up to anything in there. Bugs, mold spores, chemicals, ect. It's ok to open just enough to look at your temps and make sure everything is ok but don't leave it open to long.


Well-Known Member
I,d flush the HF soil before the transplant. It burned the heck out of my clones when i moved them.


Well-Known Member
id be using sterile soil, no food in it what so ever so there are no chances of over feeding ur plant or under feeding it. if u would like of course... get "pro-mix HP" and some nutrients and feed yourself every other week... i literally would water my plants once a week and every other week add food. If the soil is dry past your pinky, its time to water.. even that is a little too dry. And yes get rid of that pest strip, i did that before and it actually didnt really kill any pests i had, just made the environment toxic so i tossed them.


Well-Known Member
dude your fine.

if you dont have bugs dump the hot shots.

when you transplant you ALWAYS water until it pours out the bottom, then water some more to make sure there are no hydrophobic spots in the container, once you do this you should be able to go at least 7 days without watering again. make sure your pot and soil drain well but with FF products you should be fine.

look at your plants every time you go out into the garage, they will grow slower (because you look at them so frequently you never see much change) but it will give you more satisfaction in growing. if you want to see significant change don't look at them for 2 days then take a peek you will be amazed.

last but not least, dont listen to these hypothetical tools on here with all there spores and sterile soil bullshit. its a fucking plant not heart surgery.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm a tool warning you of the toxins and mold spores that are commonly found in a gerage. but it's ok to only check on them every 2 day and water once a week and feed every 2. Lol you will have dead plants in a month if that.


Well-Known Member
dude your fine.

if you dont have bugs dump the hot shots.

when you transplant you ALWAYS water until it pours out the bottom, then water some more to make sure there are no hydrophobic spots in the container, once you do this you should be able to go at least 7 days without watering again. make sure your pot and soil drain well but with FF products you should be fine.

look at your plants every time you go out into the garage, they will grow slower (because you look at them so frequently you never see much change) but it will give you more satisfaction in growing. if you want to see significant change don't look at them for 2 days then take a peek you will be amazed.

last but not least, dont listen to these hypothetical tools on here with all there spores and sterile soil bullshit. its a fucking plant not heart surgery.
well ive had bugs develop in non sterile soil a number of times so thats y i switched, and for many other reasons. but yes KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID is the phrase ppl like to use alot around here. Its a WEED, its gonna do its thing, weeds take over ur backyard without any attention right, so should your marijuana plant. Once u learn alot and do trial and errors then u can start screwing around with perfection. Im still a newb, ive only grown 4 times


Thanks a lot. I appreciate all the feedback. The Pest Strip is gone. They are all watered and looking good. I am gonna peek in there a lot less.

Warlock you mentioned when I smoke it goes into the tent, is that a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
For the healthyest plants you can have yes. Don't know the real names of it so here is a comparison. Plant have pores that bring in air like your lungs. When hit with smoke they close and don't open till it's clean. Just like lungs and water. You breath in water you can't breath and choke till it's clear. Too much and its over. But I had a similar setup in my gerage and I smoke in there too. Just never hot boxed the place. Or if it was nice id open a door or window. Didn't really see much bad but I know I could of had better.


Well-Known Member
Aww man somedays I just leave the tent open...maybe all helps with the temps and doesn't hurt anything else as far as I can long as you aren't messing with the plants it is alright...but if you open the tent and try to feed them, or water them all the is fine...these guys worry too much...I can definitely say though that MJ loves to be ignored, and as we are new to this whole thing it is really hard to leave them I got a bunch of other plants that I put in the tents...and now there are so many things that I just don't have time to do anything for them unless they absolutely have to have it...I have 2 gigantic tomato plants that are now like making a screen all the other plants have to grow through...My plants have never looked better either...they love being ignored in the back of the tent...A strain I have been wrestling with for years is finally doing well! Hooray! And all because I left it alone...


For the healthyest plants you can have yes. Don't know the real names of it so here is a comparison. Plant have pores that bring in air like your lungs. When hit with smoke they close and don't open till it's clean. Just like lungs and water. You breath in water you can't breath and choke till it's clear. Too much and its over. But I had a similar setup in my gerage and I smoke in there too. Just never hot boxed the place. Or if it was nice id open a door or window. Didn't really see much bad but I know I could of had better.
OK Thanks, that makes sense. I dont hotbox in there so I am hoping its all good.


Well-Known Member
KISS is the best way. But you still need to check on them everyday. Best words I can say is if there green and temps are fine don't worry. If there is a problem research it first before you start adding nutes it fix it. And less is more. I'm in my room 5-8 hours a day but I have 100 plants to deal with and only work on 1 area at a time but look over the others. First thing I do is look at temps then light hight. Next give a look over for bugs last is my res water. All good? I'm done in that area for the night.

Aww man somedays I just leave the tent open...maybe all helps with the temps and doesn't hurt anything else as far as I can long as you aren't messing with the plants it is alright...but if you open the tent and try to feed them, or water them all the is fine...these guys worry too much...I can definitely say though that MJ loves to be ignored, and as we are new to this whole thing it is really hard to leave them I got a bunch of other plants that I put in the tents...and now there are so many things that I just don't have time to do anything for them unless they absolutely have to have it...I have 2 gigantic tomato plants that are now like making a screen all the other plants have to grow through...My plants have never looked better either...they love being ignored in the back of the tent...A strain I have been wrestling with for years is finally doing well! Hooray! And all because I left it alone...


Well-Known Member
i of course dont practice this but my friend seems to think if ur smoking near your plants the pores close up but produce more THC to protect itself. possibly tru?


Active Member
dude look at ur plants anytime u want when the lights are on. these guys are anal talking about mold and shit sneaking in..its sneak in thru the fans its not air tight u need circulation..its no big deal to check on them ever few hours.