Is Organic Miracle Gro a good choice for growing indoors?


I just recently started the germination process of my seeds. I'm 100% new to growing, not smoking. I need some help as to which soil I should use. I was told Organic Miracle Gro is a good choice but another site is contradicting it. I want to get quality soil without the extremely high cost. Can anyone help?


Well-Known Member
i've used the organic soil before with good results, but i've got 4 beans in some of the moisture control and so far me and my girls are loving it. if you go with the moisture control, it's a hot soil mix and you won't have to buy nutrients for most of the veg stage. be ready to hear that mg kills plants from inexpirenced growers.


thanks alot, do you think its ok to put two plants to a pot? i got pots that are about 12" deep and 6" across. so, i should use moisture control instead? i thought that wouldn't be good for it since it mainly likes dry conditions. i didn't wanna make the soil to wet.


i got the miracle-gro with micromax for feeding up to 6 months. i got the biggest bag. should i return it for the moisture control? i don't even know what i am growing. i got some really good mid grade and saved a bunch of seeds and put them in mineral water to germinate. probably gonna plant them today.


Active Member
Keep your plants in separate pots so they don't get tangled and root bound.

You can't get the soil to wet, as long as you allow it to dry out some what before watering again. Also only water when you light first come on so the plant has all day to use some of the moisture.


should i use regular water or mineral water? many people use regular tap water but i want something better...


Well-Known Member
just 1 plant per pot. if you already have the organic soil mix, use it. i water my plants straight out of the tap.


I actually have the Miracle-Gro with Micromax. I already started using it and it is just fine. Perfect consistency!