Is Organics lacking? Bottles needed?

Yup,same everything. ..all but the nutrients.

Yes sir...the dark one is the organic one.

I'm still trying to find out what made them so dark...
The genetics are (gsc x mendobreath) so I know it has color in it,but damn..

Xtream tea compost brew is what I use...I need to dig deeper in to them..
when I grew the gsc it was dark like that too.. well, not AS dark as yours, but almost blackish-green
that damn strain was SOOOO slow at everything.
but it was dark, that's for sure.
The gsc is such a lil cunt to grow... but the smoke is so nice.
Hahaha Bernie a Constituntionist!?!!! Hahaha that made me laugh and Immediately respond.!

That's saying fucking Clinton, or Bush, or Obama or Almost ANY POLITICIAN that "swears the oath", NONE of them are Statesmen here to Serve the State. And the ones that are like Cynthia McKenny are run out of office by Big Money thrown against the True Servants to replace them with a Pawn.

Sanders IS A SOCIALIST. He admits it. He is Not a Constitutionist. Look up what the Real Constitutionist Party stands for. He is a Marxist. Just like All of them.

All Heil the state! All Heil the state!!!

While it USED to be All Heil THE CREATOR and SAVIOR.! And before you say separation of church and state I Advise you to look at the MULTITUDE of Proclamations of Prayer and Fasting declared BY THE GOVERNMENT.!!!!
Okay, ya dumb cunt. I'll ignore you too. Fuck you.

You're so uneducated, frightened, opinionated and naturally fucking stupid it is painful to watch. You don't know what Democratic Socialism is, stop acting like "gotcha" to me, you witless waste of water. It isn't Marxist or National Socialism, it is what Sweden, Netherlands, Iceland, and Norway use to achieve higher standards of living than the United States

@cannakis you're an ignorant sack of shit and if I met you I'd spit in your face.
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Okay, ya dumb cunt. I'll ignore you too. Fuck you.

You're so uneducated, frightened, opinionated and naturally fucking stupid it is painful to watch. You don't know what Democratic Socialism is, stop acting like "gotcha" to me, you witless waste of water. It isn't Marxist or National Socialism, it is what Sweden, Netherlands, Iceland, and Norway use to achieve higher standards of living than the United States

@cannakis you're an ignorant sack of shit and if I met you I'd spit in your face.
Nice. Very nice. :clap::leaf: I think I'll follow suit.
Sounds like that haze needed a generous amount of EWC top dress, and kelp/fish blast in its life.
This is what you would have done if the leaves were dying yellow on you?
Those look great man, where do I get seeds of that?
sourpatchseeds is the last I heard who had GGG in us, TDT had a falling out and only has a few random packs left if any. I actually snagged most of what he had left that's how I got my breeders stash...
Okay, ya dumb cunt. I'll ignore you too. Fuck you.

You're so uneducated, frightened, opinionated and naturally fucking stupid it is painful to watch. You don't know what Democratic Socialism is, stop acting like "gotcha" to me, you witless waste of water. It isn't Marxist or National Socialism, it is what Sweden, Netherlands, Iceland, and Norway use to achieve higher standards of living than the United States

@cannakis you're an ignorant sack of shit and if I met you I'd spit in your face.
Man someone has some Deep anger issues, I'm sorry for whatever it may be; give it up to THE LORD brother. In those "democratic socialist" states, they would also arrest you for making threats online, OR even making Politically "incorrect" statements.! There is no True freedom of speech or press, ask Geert Wilders.

This Nation, which gives you the Right to shit talk me as a person and Citizen Instead of backing up any points against my argument (you notice I didn't shit talk you or your person), is Now a Complete "Democratic Socialist" State.

Social security.!? Started voluntary but now it's Mandatory. Medicare workers comp, "free" health care, agricultural subsidies, Conglomerate Subsidies, No import tariffs on mass produced Shit from Communist Nations which the corporations induce Slavery upon the people. We are Already a Fascist "democratic" Socialist state; just like how North Korea is the Democratic "People's Republic" of Korea, just a Snake shedding its skin.

But this Nation does set us apart, it's the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and Bill of Rights which Separates us from All other governments in the world, the same Governing Body which ALLOWS YOU to SHIT talk me.

Next time have an argument to stand upon instead of just hurling curses and "claiming" how you would Assault me (spitting on me would be assault... But I would just brush it off brother!), that's what all you Simple Minded Fools of the "progressive" thought do, resort to Base Animal instincts Instead of using that little ole noggin that GOD Blessed you with.

Alright now Go! Spit on me! Curse my name!
Fucken politics and religion wtf yall talking about this is an organics section on a weed forum. Cannakis did you find the info you were looking for? If so great, if not don't bring politics or religion into it lol seriously if you wanna use bottled nutes for your grow go fucking ahead, if you don't that's great too. I reccomend fish hydrolysate and dragonfly earth medicine fat flowers but that's just me and my opinion, have a fantastic day jesus hates you
@cannakis Yes, you're on ignore, and yes I peeked to see what you said.

I addressed you in a civil and constructive way and you were dismissive and mocking in response to me, now you tell me I have anger issues? Damn right I do, with fucks like you.

You routinely pick a fight with people then act surprised when they get pissed off. You're the worst sort of asshole.

Shame on you, you're a garbage person.
Fucken politics and religion wtf yall talking about this is an organics section on a weed forum. Cannakis did you find the info you were looking for? If so great, if not don't bring politics or religion into it lol seriously if you wanna use bottled nutes for your grow go fucking ahead, if you don't that's great too. I reccomend fish hydrolysate and dragonfly earth medicine fat flowers but that's just me and my opinion, have a fantastic day jesus hates you
Beat me to like everything you said, lol props
Fucken politics and religion wtf yall talking about this is an organics section on a weed forum. Cannakis did you find the info you were looking for? If so great, if not don't bring politics or religion into it lol seriously if you wanna use bottled nutes for your grow go fucking ahead, if you don't that's great too. I reccomend fish hydrolysate and dragonfly earth medicine fat flowers but that's just me and my opinion, have a fantastic day jesus hates you
Thanks HE Loves you.!

It all Spurred from me making a Joke about Bernie soldiers and no, vote Constitutionist.
@cannakis Yes, you're on ignore, and yes I peeked to see what you said.

I addressed you in a civil and constructive way and you were dismissive and mocking in response to me, now you tell me I have anger issues? Damn right I do, with fucks like you.

You routinely pick a fight with people then act surprised when they get pissed off. You're the worst sort of asshole.

Shame on you, you're a garbage person.
Then you had to get your feelings hurt, when all I was doing was answering you saying Bernie was a Constitutionist. I wasn't even saying the joke to start some debate.

And thanks for the compliment I really appreciate it. Don't really know how I'm acting "surprised" when someone gets "pissed off"...?
Yeah! Back onto in the UK we don't know who this Bernie dude is anyway....

Bernie Winters however...
What's it like on the other side of the ocean hearing about all of our political madness? Not that I hear it's much better over in your neck of the woods, so to speak. We must seem like a nation of morons to some I would imagine.
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Yeah! Back onto in the UK we don't know who this Bernie dude is anyway....

Bernie Winters however...
Bernie Winters.........pmsl...........I don't think they'll get that one, he was the geezer with that big St Bernhard weren't he?..........can't really remember why he was famous TBH, was he a comedian?

Do you think it's genetics?

Or a deficiency?

I think my plants started to purp out,around 3 weeks 12/12....

That whole run did in fact. ..

I don't mind it,just thinking out loud

imo, its genetics... .
check out the tip of the leaves. burnt just right...
like that thru the whole cycle...
didnt need no 20-20-20... all organic sin mints... my version of cootz mix...

View attachment 3657650
That looks good.! I need to get some of those seeds.
imo, its genetics... .
check out the tip of the leaves. burnt just right...
like that thru the whole cycle...
so you're saying you Want burnt tips?!?

Do you think it's genetics?

Or a deficiency?

I think my plants started to purp out,around 3 weeks 12/12....

That whole run did in fact. ..

I don't mind it,just thinking out loud
Definitely genetics in my opinion. But what do I know... Not much!