Is outdoor growing hard?


Active Member
Okie dokie, my first plant was an indoor plant, and its having all sorts of trouble, too thin of stems, and one of the leaves is turning an ash color, so im about ready to try something new...

Im sure outdoor growing will still be alittle hard, but is it easier than indoor? i mean, outdoors, I could just let nature do its thing really (thats how im thinking anyways).

So if i were to grow my plants outdoors, how much work would I really need to do to keep it alive? would i just plant them in the pots and leave em in a nice sunny area? we dont have any animals to knock em over, and we live in the country, so no ones arround to spot the plants.

Im just lazy and dont want to go through all the trouble of making sure they get enough light each day, and using the right lights, making sure fans always blowing on em...things like that :)

Sorry, i know this would probly go in the newbie forums, but i wasnt sure.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
water, (optional) nutes and transplants. its very easy, as long as the plant gets direct sunlight and no shade.

bugs are more of problems outside


Active Member
sweet, thanks man, what about the temp? I live in louisiana, its pritty hot here, but i mean, they grow it in mexico, I dont think it can be worse than there.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors Sensimilla tastes much better in my opinion than indoor. The only issue ive had outdoors was mold, critters, and PorkChoppers. I just watered every other day(michigan weather; 85 to 90 F at midday and 45 F at night and high humidity) and gave ferts when blooming. PorkChoppers can be avoided by using a lot of space between plants and keeping size of plant below the 5 foot mark and not too bushy.


Active Member
yeah, what are porkchoppers? lol
and how would i avoid mold? not even sure what would cause it


Well-Known Member
Pigs(cops)=pork Helicopter=Chopper The man comes around in late summer and searches with IR cameras for large plants and for grow ops in cornfields and around houses and whatnot. Mold is caused by buds holding in rain and moisture and causing the perfect place for mold to grow in the densely packed crevases of the bud. Find mold resistant strains, they exist


Active Member
okie dokie, well, no one can spot my plants where i live, so dont need to worry too much about cops, the temp outside is like 70-70 so is that warm enough? or too warm?


Well-Known Member
Well I have a few words to say. First, IR cameras were found unconstitutional by the Supreame Court, also they are used to find heat (related to indoor growing, on choopers to find suspects running at night) pot plants only get as hot as other plants around them. Secondly, jroll, no one may mess with you out in the sticks, but, your meter reader still has to stop by once a month to get your electric (water also if you have city water), so don't place it ANYWHERE around meters. Third, outdoors is super easy compared to indoors. Like others said, full sun and your good. Don't use synthetic ferts (miracle grow), and I would recommend ammending the soil with some good organic soil before planting. I hope that was of some assistance. Good luck, take pictures, and be smart!


Active Member
Well I have a few words to say. First, IR cameras were found unconstitutional by the Supreame Court, also they are used to find heat (related to indoor growing, on choopers to find suspects running at night) pot plants only get as hot as other plants around them. Secondly, jroll, no one may mess with you out in the sticks, but, your meter reader still has to stop by once a month to get your electric (water also if you have city water), so don't place it ANYWHERE around meters. Third, outdoors is super easy compared to indoors. Like others said, full sun and your good. Don't use synthetic ferts (miracle grow), and I would recommend ammending the soil with some good organic soil before planting. I hope that was of some assistance. Good luck, take pictures, and be smart!
Thank you very much man, yeah, i was about to grow them in my back yard but i remembered the meter guy coming, so i was atleast smart enough to do that :)

But...i guess i have a problem, because i used mirical grow, is this a really big problem?? not going to die is it? lol, i dont have any other kind of soil other than just plain ol dirt...

as far as pictures to send you guys, i tried to take some to send, but my camera wont focus on it very well, all you can see is a green blob when i take a close up :(
But, my new outdoor plant is doing extremely well so far, but theres two plants growing in te pot, I didnt expect both of the seeds I planted to grow... I just hope that mirical grow isnt going to screw them up.


Well-Known Member
Hey Man, glad I could have been of assistance.

The Miracle Grow isn't a big deal. You just don't want to use it repeatedly. Some people on here may use it with no problem, besides the fact they find their pant looking hungry every other day. As for a more organic balanced fert I would say its as simple as going to Wal-Mart (Man I hate that place) and buying some fish emulsion (for watering) and bone meal (to mix with soil). In all honesty though, while you use high N ferts for vegging, I don't really know any good non-synthetic sources of P. If anyone reading this does know, please tell us! I posted in a thread my personal soil mix, and while I veg like mad due to the multiple sources of nitrogen (bat guano, composted manure, fish emulsion), I feel I could feed them more P & K during the flower cycle.
If your plants are still (generally) under 5" or few leaves, I wouldn't feed them imo. Also I did the same thing with two in one pot, and one died due to the other outcompeted for resources. I checked threads and this is the consensus about 2 in 1.
Good luck Man!!!! Keep us posted.
Hey Man, glad I could have been of assistance.

The Miracle Grow isn't a big deal. You just don't want to use it repeatedly. Some people on here may use it with no problem, besides the fact they find their pant looking hungry every other day. As for a more organic balanced fert I would say its as simple as going to Wal-Mart (Man I hate that place) and buying some fish emulsion (for watering) and bone meal (to mix with soil). In all honesty though, while you use high N ferts for vegging, I don't really know any good non-synthetic sources of P. If anyone reading this does know, please tell us! I posted in a thread my personal soil mix, and while I veg like mad due to the multiple sources of nitrogen (bat guano, composted manure, fish emulsion), I feel I could feed them more P & K during the flower cycle.
If your plants are still (generally) under 5" or few leaves, I wouldn't feed them imo. Also I did the same thing with two in one pot, and one died due to the other outcompeted for resources. I checked threads and this is the consensus about 2 in 1.
Good luck Man!!!! Keep us posted.
fish emultion? Dude, you don't have carnivors where you grow? You never use fish outdoors man. Unless you have an electric fence around your crop LOL


Well-Known Member
fish emultion? Dude, you don't have carnivors where you grow? You never use fish outdoors man. Unless you have an electric fence around your crop LOL
See now thats what i was thinking,i read the other day where guys are putting whole fish under their grow spot before planting,kinda like the pilgrims,wouldnt this bring in critters from miles away ?

I cant keep a fukin hamster burried in my back yard let alone a stinky ass fish.


Well-Known Member
My plants are doing fine outdoors in Louisiana :eyesmoke: :peace: Oh I think I'll go sit on the levee and smoke a fat spliff now...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Dirt growing is the hardest of all methods of growing. I have done just about every grow method out there and still do aero grows,flood tables,dwc and actually a soil grow to remind me of much a hassle it is. Outdoor growing is probably the absolute hardest most work intemsive way to grow of all as you have to hide,find water or transport it, fight animals, people,heat,cold and every other non controlable element.Then secondly I have to disagree with every point Blessamerica made. Out door id very difficult,its also a known fact that marijuanas transpiration heat signature is much more heat intense then almost any other natural occuring vegetation which makes it show up quit easy to copter with heat signal or standard ie scans. The scans are not illegal as you said but they do have to have a prior warrant to scan a home looking for a grow op and can not randomly heat scan a home for signatures but if they do get a warrant then they already know what your up to and use this scan to get further warrants for a residental search and arrest as multiple information makes a warrant so much easier to obtain from the courts.Also in any soil plant I grow I always use Miracle Grow moisture control soil as its great stuff and saves you a ton on nutes and worries.You only have to water with ph 6.8 water and no nute til deep in flower to help with potassium and phosphorous intake.I have a current MG grow under fletch gets dirty 2.0 and every cola is at least the size of footballs sugar coated to the max and the plants are very healthy and tightly packed buds.